Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire European Organization for Nuclear Research Laboratoire Européen pour la Physique des Particules European Laboratory for Particle Physics Pierre Bonnal and Keith Kershaw on the behalf of the PURESAFE community Workshop on Remote Manipulations / Diagnostics in Radioactive Areas and Handling of Radioactive Material — 6 th May 2013 An overview of outcomes
Aim of this presentation Briefly, presenting the PURESAFE ITN Presenting some of the PURESAFE outcomes
What is it? = P reventing h U man intervention for incr RE ased SA fety in in F rastructures E mitting ionizing radiation Initial Training Network (ITN) Training of Early Stage Researchers (ESR) Funded under the European Commission's 7 th Framework Programme (FP7) Marie Curie Actions Programme
The starting point Visits of some CERN’s teleoperated areas by academics active in the field of telerobotics Through discussions with CERN expects: specificities of teleoperated means suited to these areas captured CERN invited as a beneficiary for a EU funded project proposal, that was successful Project launched in 2011 Budget = 3.9 M euros over 4 years
The stakeholders 15 Research Projects (RP1 to RP15) and 15 ESRs 8 beneficiaries + 1 associated partner: Tampere University of Technology TUT Finland Technical University of Madrid UPM Spain Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT Germany CERN Switzerland GSI Germany Bgator Ltd. + SenseTrix Ltd. Finland Oxford Technologies Ltd. OTL United Kingdom FRRC Russia
15 Research Projects – 3 Work Packages RP1 RP2 RP3 RP4 RP5 WP1 Processes & modeling RP1 0 RP1 2 RP1 3 RP1 4 RP1 5 WP2 Software platforms RP8 RP6 RP7 RP9 WP3 Hardware platforms RP1 1 CERN CasesSuper-FRS Cases TUTCERNBgatorKIT UPMCERNGSI TUTCERNSenseTrixUPMTUTOTL
The research approach A systems engineering based approach: RPs start after needs are correctly gathered ESRs convert these needs into requirements Outcomes are verified then validated WP1 also consists of a systems engineering framework conceived to embed telerobotics requirements as early as possible in the process of developing new facilities or systems subject to ionized radiations
An overview of the 9 RPs that are telerobotics software or hardware oriented
RP6 — Energy and communication modules for mobile robot Ramviyas Parasuraman, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Research focus: Mobile robot for remote radiation survey and inspection tasks Energy management in mobile robot Wireless communication management Benefits: Save dose and time during interventions Motivation: Avoid manual recovery or loss of mobile robots in the event that the robot runs out of energy or if there is a communication failure (detecting and taking actions before such events occur) Methodology: Energy management – Algorithms for power characterization, online State-Of-Charge analysis Wireless Communication – Algorithms for tethering a robot to establish long-range and robust wireless communication Energy Management system architectureTrain Inspection Monorail (TIM) : Case studyExperiments in LHC Mockup facility KUKA Youbot (omnidirectional)
RP7 — Remote Handling (RH) concept study for the Super-FRS Plug System Luis Orona, Super-FRS, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany Due to the importance of integrating RH features into the components designs during the development of scientific machines, this project focuses in developing RH-compatibility studies between: The Plug System and the RH System Use of Virtual Reality tools to conduct the RH compatibility studies
Challenges ● Environment, structure & requirements Modular robots, design and configuration ● Advantages: same components are able for locomotion and manipulation. Reconfiguration is required Simulator ● For training, planning and procedure evaluation RP8 — Providing a modular robot solution for the maintenance tasks Prithvi Pagala, CAR UPM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain
RP9 — Study of a logistic concept for Super-FRS RH components Faraz Amjad, Super-FRS, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany Shielding Flask Develop requirements for the design and development for the Shielding Flask Conduct shielding flask Functional Analysis (FA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and physical interface analysis to determine the links and logistics tasks Task sequence definitions and simulation (if required) for shielding flask. Detailed logistics design report for Shielding flask Mobile Robot System Conduct safety analysis for existing FRS robots installed at target and S1. Mobile platform feasibility studies for Super-FRS robot concept. Comparison between robot mounted on rails and mobile platform (Risk and maintainability analysis) Radiation environmental / civil analysis for robot installation. Task sequence definitions and simulation (if required) for mobile robot. Detailed logistics design report for mobile robot
iMoro Mobile Manipulator Perception Stereo Camera Laser Range Finder (LRF) Time of Flight Camera Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Wheel Odometry Current Main Tasks Sensor Fusion Localization Pallet Picking by Fork Lift Visual Servo Control of iMoro Hybrid Vision/Force Control Kinematic Analysis of Mobile Manipulation Case Studies based on iMoro, Avant RP10 — Fault-tolerant remote handling control system Mohammad M. Aref, TUT, Tampere, Finland
Goal: Build an Augmented Reality (AR) system for maintenance. – The system helps workers to perform maintenance tasks faster and safer – The system is oriented to human intervention and to remote handling – Development of authoring tool Use case scenario: Collimator – Instructions for collimator exchange – Telerobotics operator is guided through the process by using AR RP10 — Augmented reality-based maintenance tool for hazardous places Héctor Martínez, Sensetrix, Helsinki, Finland
RP12 — Interconnection of multi-robot and multi-user systems for cooperative tasks Alex Owen-Hill, CAR UPM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain New methods for complex (multi-user) maintenance procedures. How multiple users can interact on the same task through telerobotics Types of feedback (haptic/visual) Fresh uses of haptics to simplify tasks Assisted planning/assignment of subtasks Categorizing types of movement/subtask
iMoro Mobile Manipulator Designed and Built in TUT Four wheel Independently Steering Eight Actuators (Four Driving/ Four Steering) Six Degrees of Freedom Manipulator Six Degrees of Force/Torque Two Finger Gripper Main Tasks Focused on Mobile Manipulation Obstacle-Free Path Planning of Mobile Manipulators Path Following and Motion Control of iMoro Autonomous Mobile Grasping Case Studies based on iMoro RP14 — Assisting autonomous functionalities for safe teleoperation Reza Oftadeh, TUT, Tampere, Finland
Benefits: Cope with problem occurrences Avoid human intervention New needs Save time Other manipulation tasks RP15 — Sensorless teleoperation of an industrial robot with a dissimilar master Enrique del Sol, Oxford Technologies, Abington, UK
What about WP1 that is focussed on processes
A systems engineering (SE) framework suited to scientific facilities and systems that are subject to ionizing radiation It is an editorial project Some PM and SE related guidelines Some PM and SE related guidelines Several telerobotics guidelines Several telerobotics guidelines The research leading to this framework has received funding from the European Commission under the FP7 ITN project PURESAFE, grant agreement no
Telerobotics-related guidelines 10 brochures will be dedicated to telerobotics: Designing for Telerobotics Inspections Enrique Designing for Remote Handling Enrique Benchmarking Telemanipulators Alexander Allocating Tasks for Multi-Operator Remote Handling Alexander Designing Mobile Platforms/Robots for Energy Autonomy Ramviyas Designing Mobile Platforms/Robots for Communication Autonomy Ramviyas Designing Mechatronics for Mobile ManipulatorsReza Designing Mobile Platforms/Robots for Fault Tolerant Perception Aref Designing Mobile Manipulators for (Radiation) Inspections Reza & Aref Designing Robots for Modularity Prithvi Designing for Maintainability Héctor Designing for Augmented Reality (incl. systems tagging) Héctor
In summary Telerobotics solutions off-the-shelves are not necessarily suited to ionized radiation environments RAMS issues PURESAFE aims at understanding specific requirements and proposing solutions Remote operations are “transverse problems” shared by all/most systems installed in facilities; they shall be considered as from the beginning of their development phase
The PURESAFE Community: Liisa Aha, Faraz Amjad, Mohammad M. Aref, Mathieu Baudin, Pierre Bonnal, Enrique del Sol, Thomas Fabry, Manuel Ferre, Bruno Féral, Reza Ghabcheloo, Antti Heikkila, Jenni Hyppola, Juho-Pekka Karjalainen, Pietari Kauttu, Keith Kershaw, Douzi Imran Khan, Seppo Laukkanen, Marja Lintala, Héctor Martínez, Jouni Mattila, Ramviyas Nattanmai Parasuraman, Masoud Niknam, Reza Oftadeh, Luis Orona, Jjivka Ovtcharova, Alex Owen-Hill, Prithvi Pagala, Stefan Roesler, Alan Rolfe, Danai Skournetou, Seppo Virtanen, Helmut Weick