U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Division Understanding Foreign Trade Data May 16, 2007
U.S. Census Bureau Overview of Imports and Exports Carol Aristone Commodity Analysis Branch
3 What do the statistics measure? The physical movement of goods between: United States, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands Foreign countries.
4 Coverage Movement of goods into & out of: U.S. Customs Territory U.S. Virgin Islands Bonded Warehouses Foreign Trade Zones (FTZs)
5 Coverage Goods not included: U.S. trade with U.S. territories Trade between U.S. territories Trade between foreign countries and U.S. territories (other than PR and VI) In transit merchandise through the U.S.
6 What’s not Covered in Statistics? Monetary gold & silver U.S. government to U. S. government Imports of articles repaired under warranty Intangibles Personal and household effects Low valued transactions Consult the Guide to Foreign Trade Statistics
7 The Harmonized System (HS) Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the U.S. Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes (HTSUSA) Statistical Classification of Domestic and Foreign Commodities Exported from the U.S. (Schedule B)
8 The HS System 17,000+ HTSUSA & 8,000+ Schedule B codes Periodically revised Structure: 2 digit Chapter 4 digit Heading 6 digit sub heading 8 digit legal 10 digit statistical
9 The HS System
10 The HS System
11 What is the difference? Export codes (Schedule B) are maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau. Import codes are administered by the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC). Import Codes CAN be used to classify Exports, but Exports codes CAN NOT be used to classify goods for import (Imports has a lot more detail!!)
12 Changes to the HTSUSA & Schedule B Changes occur three different ways: WCO changes affect the HS (4 or 6 digit) level Legislation – affects the legal (8-digit) level Imports only 484(f) committee – affects the statistical (10-digit) level
13 Partner Country Exports – Country of Ultimate Destination Imports – Country of Origin –Where goods are grown, mined or manufactured –Use country of shipment if origin unknown for re-imports
15 Related vs. Non-related Statistics cover the physical movement of goods, regardless of if item is sold When a U.S. manufacturer exports merchandise to their company in France or to a non-related purchaser in Russia, both are counted as trade
16 Valuation F.A.S. Export Value (free alongside ship) Value of export at port based on transaction price, including inland freight, insurance other charges incurred (before loaded) Excludes international freight, cost of loading merchandise and any other charges/costs beyond port of export
17 Leases If merchandise exported for <12 months Non-stat Consignment - Temp. lease with option to buy Stat Examples: artwork or aircraft
18 Repairs – Exports Exporting items for repair Report Ch HS number of item Non-stat AES exemption code TR (temporary export for repair) Exporting items repaired in U.S. Report HS 9801 and value of repair
20 Foreign Trade Zones – Imports Duties not required until goods withdrawn for consumption Importer has choice to pay at the rate of the original foreign materials or the finished product Can result in $3,000 new car
21 Bonded Warehouses – Imports Duty payment deferred No duty if re-exported to foreign countries
22 General vs. Consumption General Imports – measures flow of goods across U.S. border Imports for direct consumption Bonded warehouse entries and FTZ admissions Most widely used measure of imports
23 General vs. Consumption (cont.) Imports for Consumption – goods cleared through Customs Imports for direct consumption Bonded warehouse and FTZ withdrawals
24 Valuation Customs Value Generally, price actually paid excluding: Duties Freight Insurance and other charges Relationship b/w parties should not influence value
25 Valuation (cont.) CIF (cost, insurance, freight) CIF = Customs Value + Import Charges Excludes U.S. import duties
26 Valuation (cont.) Dutiable Value Customs value of foreign goods subject to duty Where merchandise is a combination of U.S. and foreign goods, duty is applied only to the foreign value added
27 Valuation (cont.) To determine the dutiable value of a combination of U.S. and foreign goods: Example: 9802 provision U.S. value is included in statistics Value is total of domestic + foreign values U.S. Goods indicators show that a portion of the import is domestic materials Publication IM146A
28 Valuation (cont.) Duty Collected by CBP Reported on the Automated Commercial System (ACS) FTD generally uses duty as reported on ACS
29 Country Sub-Codes (CSC) Indicates a special program allowing for free or reduced duty Examples: GSP, US-Chile Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA CSC used: 00 = no special programs claimed CA = Goods marked for Canada (NAFTA) MX = Goods marked for Mexico (NAFTA) Full list available on our website
30 Rate Provision (RP) codes RP codes indicate free or dutiable status Used in conjunction with goods imported using Ch. 98 or 99 code RP code can relate back to Ch. 98 or 99 Assigned by FTD
31 Rate Provisions (cont.) Examples of RP codes: RP 17 = Free as articles imported for the handicapped. Imported under HTS subheadings , & RP 69 = Dutiable at rate prescribed in Rate of Duty columns of HTS Ch. 99. Duty reported Full list available on our website
32 Special Provisions Chapter 98 & 99 for National use Ch 98 - duty free/reduction Ch 99 - legislation, executive and administrative actions
33 Special Provisions (cont.) U.S. goods exported and returned not advanced or improved U.S. origin Previously exported from U.S.
34 Special Provisions (cont.) 9802 – Goods with components of U.S. origin U.S. goods assembled abroad Importers deduct value of U.S. goods from total Customs value
35 Dual Reporting of Codes Report 10-digit statistical reporting number Chapter 1-97 Followed by special provision Chapter 98 UQ from Ch 1-97
36 Dual Reporting of Codes Prototypes for development, testing, evaluation Free Dishwasher, household 2.4% Dishwasher, other Free
37 Special Provisions (cont.) Chapter 99 Quotas Additional duties Temporary reductions
39 Dual Reporting of Codes Footnote See headings , , , etc. Reduced or duty free rates Vinclozolin Report
40 Repairs – Imports Importing repaired item Report Ch. 98 number and value of repair If under warranty – non-stat If Non-warranty – stat Also report Ch HS in order to determine duty Importing item for repair Temporary imports
41 Internet References FTD Guide to Foreign Trade Statistics trade/guide/index.html
42 Internet References (con.) Schedule B HTSUSA
43 Internet References (con.) CSC trade/reference/codes/csc.html RP trade/reference/codes/rp.html
44 Any Questions?
Processing and Editing May 16, 2007 Andrew Jennings Methods Research and Quality Assurance
46 Introduction The Foreign Trade Division processes over 6 million import and export transactions a month Publish the official merchandise trade statistics on a monthly basis Ensure that published statistics are accurate Published data may appear different than what can be seen on the electronic systems
47 Outline Sources of Data Processing Data Categories Differences
48 Sources of Import Data Imports The Automated Commercial System (ACS) Automated Foreign Trade Zones (AFTZ) Paper Documents Canadian Gas and Electricity Estimates
49 Sources of Import Data Source Percent of Number of Value Records ACS 88 3,800k AFTZ 7 100k Canada k Paper Documents 1 7k CF-7051 and CF-214 Estimates 1 0.2k Totals 3.9 million
50 Sources of Export Data Exports Automated Export System (AES) Canadian Data Exchange Shippers Export Declarations (SED) Estimates
51 Sources of Export Data Source Percent of Number of Value Records AES 731,400k Canada k Paper SED 3 40k Estimates 2 0.2k Totals 2.2 million
52 Sources of Data Editing at point of collection Data are edited at point of collection Ensures best quality data Subset of what is edited post collection
53 Processing Overview Prepare for editing Edit Resolve errors Categorize and aggregate the data
54 Prepare Records for Editing Combine Sources Reformat data to uniform structure Identify Non-statistical transactions Low value records Non-extractable entries
55 Prepare Records for Editing Statistical time periods Imports - Release date Exports - Clearance date Statistical month Carryover
56 Prepare Records for Editing Preliminary Alterations Recode commodities as necessary Convert quantities Convert Schedule B from HTS (exports only) Prorate shipping weight (exports only)
57 Prepare Records for Editing Apply Corrections to Data Customs corrections Filer corrections
58 Editing Overview Code Validations Ratio Edits Maximums and Minimums
59 Editing Code Validations Harmonized System commodity Country of origin Foreign port U.S. port Special Programs Indicators (imports)
60 Editing Code Validations We validate codes with lookup tables that are updated monthly as changes are made Commodity-specific consistency checks Example: import bananas from Greenland Check exports shipped by vessel are processed through a vessel port, not an airport
61 Editing Ratio Edits Verify numeric data by computing ratios Check ratios against commodity-specific ranges Several types of ratio edits oQuantity to value oQuantity to shipping weight/value to shipping weight oFirst quantity to second quantity for shipments requiring two quantities
62 Editing Ratio Edits Unit price example - Fireworks –We edit the quantity using unit price parameters of /kg and $30.165/kg –We expect a $40,000 shipment of fireworks from China to have a quantity between 1,326 kg and 60,244 kg $10,000,000 / 10,000,000 kg
63 Editing Maximums and Minimums General Maximums oShipping weight exceeds what the mode of transportation can carry Commodity-specific maximums oMaximum shipping weights –Example: 20 kilograms of diamonds unlikely oMaximum values Maximum quantities
64 Editing Commodity Specific Parameters 2.7 million parameters Files containing editing parameters by commodity Flexible – can easily make necessary changes to parameters
65 Editing Error resolution Cannot review every erroneous record Analysts review records that have the most impact Edit programs impute insignificant records
66 Editing Imputation Impute a new quantity or shipping weight from a factor and value or previously edited field Unit price example 1,000 kg of fireworks valued at $40,000 would reject our edit. Using an imputation factor of $4.51/kg, the edit program would change quantity to 8,853 kg.
67 Editing Analyst review Contact the filer Ensure correct classification Bypass the edits
68 Editing Analyst Review Review data by grouping individual records Aggregate by commodity to determine if total values and quantities are reasonable Utilize control files Compare measures to previous months – look for missing or misreported data and identify processing problems
69 Import Data Categories Consumption Entry Warehouse/FTZ Withdrawal Admission to Warehouse/FTZ General Imports are Consumption Entry and Admission to Warehouse/FTZ Consumption imports are Consumption Entry and Warehouse/FTZ Withdrawal
70 Import Data Categories Usually Imports for Consumption <= General Imports Remember: Consumption = Consumption+withdrawals General = Consumption+admissions
71 Why would Consumption be greater than General Imports? Goods processed in a FTZ Example: Petroleum entered in FTZ General import stats would show Ch 27 when goods admitted to FTZ Petroleum is processed in the zone, creating byproducts classified in Ch 25 Therefore imports for consumption are based on what EXITS the zone (Ch 25)
72 Why would Consumption be greater than General Imports? Petroleum processed in a FTZ could result in: Chapter 27 General import stats > Consumption stats Chapter 25 General Import stats < Consumption stats
73 Export Data Categories Domestic –Merchandise grown, produced or manufactured in the U.S. –Foreign merchandise changed in the U.S. Foreign (re-export) –Foreign merchandise, entered for consumption or into a warehouse or FTZ, that is unchanged at the time of export Published exports are domestic exports and foreign exports
74 Data Categories Noncontiguous trade –PR and VI trade with U.S. are Non- contiguous exports
75 Raw Data Versus Published Statistics Why is the data on the portal different from published statistics? –Several sources of data We pull data from several different sources, including estimating low value shipments. –The data are categorized Double counting trade into and out of warehouses and Foreign Trade Zones –We make changes to the data during processing Non-statistical Data, Data Corrections, Alteration of Data –Time periods
76 Data Processing and Editing Questions please! (301)
Process Coordination Staff The United States – Canada Data Exchange
78 Agreement between the governments of the United States and Canada What is the United States – Canada Data Exchange?
79 Reasons for Data Exchange?? Rise in undercoverage of export statistics in the ’70s and ’80s Increasing operating costs to process Shipper’s Export Declarations Eliminate reporting burden of exporters Greater scrutiny of import statistics Geographical location of both countries
80 Who’s Involved ? United States Census Bureau (Census) Customs & Border Protection (CBP) Canada Statistics Canada (STC) Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)
What Happens? The U.S. Census Bureau and Statistics Canada exchange each other’s import statistics to publish their export statistics.
82 STC transmits files twice per month Adjustments are required When Canadian Imports Arrive at Census
83 Adjustments Freight Currency Conversion U.S. Exports of Foreign Goods to Canada Exports of U.S. goods to Canada from other countries Revisions
84 Inland Freight Exclusion of inland freight charges in Canadian imports Inclusion of inland freight charges in U.S. exports Census adds inland freight charges to compensate for the difference in valuation
85 U.S. Federal Reserve’s monthly exchange rate STC converts to U.S. Dollars and transmits data to Census Currency Conversion
86 Exports of Foreign Goods to Canada Census counts these goods as U.S. exports to Canada STC does not count these goods as imports from the U.S. The Data Exchange accounts for this difference by adding these goods to the U.S. export statistics
87 Exports of U.S. Goods to Canada from Other Countries STC counts these goods as imports from the U.S. Census does not count these goods as U.S. exports The Data Exchange accounts for this difference by excluding these goods from the U.S. export statistics
88 Revisions Estimates for Late Arrivals Corrections from STC Corrections Made by Census
89 Estimates for Late Arrivals STC sends Census estimates for late arrivals The estimates are replaced with actual values the following month in the FT- 900 press release only
90 Corrections from STC STC sends corrections to data transmissions Census receives the corrections and applies them to the export statistics
91 Corrections Made By Census Census applies manual corrections based on data verification Census verifies corrections with STC counterpart These corrections occur prior to publication when possible
92 Other U.S./Canada Issues Railcar Data Data Conversions In-transit Shipments U.S. Exports Shipped from Canadian Ports
93 Railcar Data Duty-free railcars and locomotives are exempt from import filing requirements
94 Data Conversions HS Recodes Quantity Conversions
95 In-transit Shipments Import filing issue Effect on data
96 U.S. Exports Shipped from Canadian Ports Filing compliance issue Possible source of undercoverage
97 Questions??? Questions?? ??Questions??
U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Division Trade with Partner Countries Earle Patrick May 16, 2007 U.S. Census Bureau
99 Trade with Partner Countries Major reasons for discrepancies Trade Involving a third country In-transit goods Different trade systems
100 Trade with Partner Countries Other reasons for discrepancies Re-import of goods Insurance and Freight charges Treatment of low-value shipments Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands
101 Trade with Partner Countries What is considered an export ? 1.Domestically produced merchandise sold to a foreign country 2.Foreign goods resold to a foreign country 3.Parts exported for further processing or incorporation into a more advanced product 4.Capital equipment shipped to a foreign assembly or manufacturing location 5.Charitable goods
102 Trade with Partner Countries UN guidelines for imports Grown, mined, or produced Substantially transformed U.S. Customs determines origin when necessary
103 Trade with Partner Countries Trade involving a third country China exports to India India resells product to U.S. China is still country of origin
104 Trade with Partner Countries In-transit goods Definition of in-transit goods Administrative requirements Shippers send goods as normal imports to U.S.
105 Trade with Partner Countries Re-import of goods Chapters 1 – 97 Chapter 98 – heading 9801
106 Trade with Partner Countries Different trade systems General trade system Special trade system
107 Trade with Partner Countries Insurance and Freight Charges Customs value Cost, Insurance, and Freight
108 Trade with Partner Countries Miscellaneous Reasons Low-value shipments Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
109 Trade with Partner Countries Any questions ?
110 Methods Research & Quality Assurance Branch Lee Stefanis May 16, 2007 U.S. Census Bureau Port and Mode of Transportation Data
111 Introduction District/Port Data Definitions: District of Exportation Vessel or Air – Custom’s district where merchandise is loaded and taken out of the country Overland – Custom’s district where merchandise crosses the U.S. Border into foreign territory First 2 digits of port code
112 Introduction Import District of Entry The district in which merchandise clears Customs for entry into consumption channels, bonded warehouses, or Foreign Trade Zones. Import District of Unlading The district where merchandise is unloaded from the importing vessel or aircraft.
113 Introduction Method of Transportation: Transportation Statistics Categories Vessel, Air, and Other Methods Based on the method of transportation by which the merchandise arrives in or departs from the United States We obtain this information from the documentation the filers provide Other methods are available for certain publication (i.e. rail vs. truck)
114 Introduction Method of Transportation: Entering/Departing through Canada & Mexico Recorded under the method of transportation by which they enter or depart the U.S. regardless of the transportation mode for the rest of their journey
115 How does a truck get here from China? Method of Transportation is identified by the method of conveyance that is used when the shipment crosses the border into the U.S. Example: China Canada on vessel, then Canada U.S. on truck Over 5% of goods arriving over land originate in countries other than Canada and Mexico.
116 Reporting of District/Port Data Quality Issues: Filing Imports – data captured at time of entry summary Exports – port where shipment is expected to ship from Knowledge of Filer Airports and Seaports Correcting the obsolete/incorrect codes
117 Mail, Pipeline and Other Unknowns U.S. Mail For exports via U.S. Mail, filers can report any code, but the Census Bureau changes the code to ‘8000’ The Census Bureau corrects some export shipments that are incorrectly reported as mail (e.g. fire trucks)
118 Mail, Pipeline and Other Unknowns Pipeline For shipments by pipeline, exporters file with the port having jurisdiction for the pipeline
119 Mail, Pipeline and Other Unknowns Other Unknowns In some cases a commodity, such as cattle, can cross the border anywhere, so the reported port may not be the location of movement into or out of the U.S.
120 User-Fee Ports and Nearby Ports A lot of couriers have their own port codes Recoding of courier port codes
121 Canadian Data Exchange Quality Issue We take Canada’s imports for our exports which can lead to inaccurate port code information
122 Questions? Lee Stefanis (301)
U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Division Quality Issues Alison Gajcowski May 16, 2007 U.S. Census Bureau
124 Sources of Errors –Nonfiling of documentation –Transiting goods –Underestimation of low value transactions –Late filing –Reporting errors –Data capture errors
125 Nonfiling of Export Documentation –Example: If exporting to Canada, no documentation of export is required BUT if shipping through Canada to Spain documentation is required –FTZ withdrawals for export
126 Quality Issues Spain U.S. Customs Territory Export documentation should be filled out Import documentation must be filled out, duties paid FTZ Shipment in-bond, no duties paid
127 Nonfiling of Export Documentation Cont’d –Increased electronic filing Reduces the instances of nonfiling Less export paper documents are lost
128 Nonfiling of Import Documentation –Rail cars By law importers of rail cars are not required to report their shipments
129 Classification –Exports and duty free imports are not scrutinized as closely for proper classification –80% of imports are duty free
130 Reasons for Misclassification –Typos –Duty avoidance –Not understanding the classification system * ABI and AES utilize edits to detect misreporting and send error messages to the filers*
131 Low Value Estimation –Value of these shipments is estimated –Factors based on ratios of low valued shipments to individual country total for past periods –The factors used may no longer be effective and FTD is in the process of improving the estimation methods
132 Charges –If a charge (such as invoiced freight, insurance, or other charges) is included in the invoice price, then all must be included in the customs value –If an importer does not know the exact value of all charges, than they must be estimated –To have an item excluded, must provide documentation –Result is that actual value of goods may be overstated for some commodities
133 Carryover –Term used to identify the trade records received and/or processed too late for inclusion with records that transaction month –Current carryover rate (2006 avg) 0.35% exports 0.94% imports
134 Carryover –Each month in the FT900, the total import, export, trade balance and “end-use” totals for the prior month are adjusted for carryover SITC (Standard International Trade Classification) and country detail reports not revised –Annual revision takes place each June SITC and country detail reports are revised
135 Revisions –Every June of the current year, FTD publishes an annual revision of the previous year Carryover correction Corrections resulting from data investigations Customs and Canadian revisions
136 Automated Reporting –Allows the Census Bureau to receive and compile data quickly –Error reduction Exports –56% of SEDs contain errors versus only 10% of AES records Imports –37% of Customs Entry Forms 7501 contain errors versus only 8% of ABI records
137 Example: Filing TypeNumber of Records in Error If No Upfront Editing 4.32 Million Current Editing Process Paper420,000 AES1.525 Million
138 Automated Reporting –ABI and AES intercept data problems and return error messages to the broker or filer for resolution –Census Bureau edits also reside in the Statistics Canada import processing system –Internal Census Bureau edits are used to prepare the data for dissemination
139 Quality Issues Any Questions? (301) –Census Bureau edits also reside in the Statistics Canada import processing system –Internal Census Bureau edits are used to prepare the data for dissemination
U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Division Origin of Movement Export State Origin State, ZIP Code & Sub-state Data John Chantis May 16, 2007 Economic Research Service Washington, DC
141 Background: Origin of Movement (OM) State – Based on Origin State Available 1987 – Present On our monthly FT900 Press Release, Supplement, exhibit 2 Origin of Movement (OM) – ZIP Code Based Available on website starting with January 2006 statistics
142 Based on Origin State: Available 1987-Present Based on the state in which the goods begin their journey to the port of export Does not represent the production origin of U.S. export merchandise
143 Origin State examples: Goods warehoused in GA transported to a FL port to be shipped to a foreign country. OM state is……GA Auto parts produced from many states are consolidated in TX to be exported to Mexico. OM state is…… TX.
144 Origin of Movement (OM) State Series – Available in our monthly FT900 Press Release, supplement, exhibit 2 Web address: Release/current_press_release/exh2s.pdf Screen image follows
146 Other available state data products: FTD - Quarterly and Annual OM state data on CDROM. Please call our Current Systems Programming Branch on Available in three options…. Option 1: State by 3-Digit NAICS Commodity by Country (Total, Air and Vessel). Option 2: Region by 4-Digit SITC, District/Port of Exit, & Country (Total, Air & Vessel). Option 3: State by District/Port of Exit, & Country (Total, Air & Vessel)- No Commodity Detail
147 Other products … Global Trade Information Services (GTIS) - WORLD TRADE ATLAS * U.S. State Export Edition Online. Manufacturing and Construction Division (MCD) - Gives exports by state, NAICS and major economic sector. Available online at
148 Based on ZIP Code: Available January Present The ZIP Code of the USPPI, the party in the US that receives the primary benefit from the shipment Does not necessarily represent the location of the USPPI
149 ZIP Code State examples: Goods warehoused in GA transported to a FL port to be shipped to a foreign country. ZIP state is...GA For shipments with multiple origins, report the address from which the commodity with the greatest value begins its journey.
150 ZIP Code Based report: Similar to OM supplement, exhibit 2 press release; available on our website: trade/statistics/state/zip/index.html FTD - Quarterly and Annual ZIP state data on CDROM. Please call our Current Systems Programming Branch on Available in the same three options.
151 OM State vs. ZIP Based State 2006 Q1 = Median = Q3 = 5.54 #States within (-10, 10) = 29
152 OM State vs. ZIP Based State February 2007 Q1 = Median = Q3 = 6.27 #States within (-10, 10) = 28
153 Sub-State Data Data historically based on Metropolitan Area (MA). MA’s are now called Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) by Office of Management & Budget (OMB). New definitions for CBSA’s were announced by OMB on June 2003.
154 Sub-State Data CBSA’s based on zip code of US Principle Party in Interest (USPPI). CBSA’s now cover areas of 10 to 50 thousand population, which were not covered by MA’s. CBSA codes increase coverage to about 93% of the population vs 80% with MA’s.
155 Sub-State Data In 2006 completed a quality review and disclosure analysis of 3-digit ZIP Codes, CBSA Metro, and other tables based on 2005 data As historically, under contract, we have produced data for ITA which they release Last year we provided 3-digit ZIP Code & CBSA Metro totals for 2005 Export data to ITA
156 Future Goal… Have started preliminary work to provide data to ITA based on 2006 trade. The current contract calls for CBSA by 3-digit NAICS, CBSA by Destination, CBSA by 3- digit NAICS by Destination, and other tables of trade totals CBSA data will be available mid to late 2007.
157 For more information: Special Projects Branch Foreign Trade Division (301)
U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Division Profile of U.S. Exporting Companies Jeff McHugh May 16, 2007 U.S. Census Bureau
160 Released January 10, 2007 Available on FTD Website back to Profile of U.S. Exporters 2004 – 2005
161 Partially $ ponsored by the International Trade Administration (ITA) Produced by the Special Projects Branch Produced by linking export records to the Census Business Register, which contains employment, company types, & company locations Profile of U.S. Exporters 2004 – 2005
162 Composition of Total Export Value: 2005 Unidentified = Exports that could not be matched to Business Register Identified = Exports that could be matched to the Business Register (Known export value) Other = Low value est., revisions, Gov’t shipments Profile of U.S. Exporters 2004 – 2005
163 Profile of U.S. Exporters 2004 – 2005 The Profile can answer questions such as: Value that can be attributed to large manufacturers in 2005 Canada’s known export value that can be attributed to companies with 1 to 19 employees Number of companies that exported from Maryland in 2005 and how much known value was exported
164 Profile of U.S. Exporters 2004 – 2005 Profile Provides Data Users: Exporting community’s employment sizes, types of companies, & major foreign markets Top 25 U.S. export countries and multiple country groupings Export value and number of exporters for each state (OM State) Number of employees of identified exporting companies
165 Profile of U.S. Exporters 2004 – 2005 The profile report provides information on 2 main characteristics: Company type – NAICS based (North American Industry Classification System) Company size - # of employees Small (0-99 employees) Medium ( employees) Large (500 or more employees)
Known Export Value By Company Type Profile of U.S. Exporters 2004 – 2005
167 Profile of U.S. Exporters 2004 – Top 10 Export Countries Known Export Value Known Export Value (in billions)
168 Profile of U.S. Exporters 2004 – Export Concentration % of Known Export Value
169 Employee Sizes: Known Export Value ($784.5 bil.) Number of Exporters (239,094) Profile of U.S. Exporters 2004 – 2005
170 Profile of U.S. Exporters 2004 – 2005 How is our data valuable to data users? Example: A data user wants to know how many Large sized companies (500+ Employees) export to OPEC countries and how much value is exported.
171 Profile of U.S. Exporters 2004 – 2005 Special requests for data: If there is a special tabulation that is not included in the Profile, we may be able to provide it to you for a cost. Example: A data user wanted to know the number of U.S. companies that exported to Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) countries in a given year. Table 5a of the Profile did not provide export data on these CAFTA countries, so we compiled the data and gave it to the data user for a cost.
172 Profile of U.S. Exporters 2004 – 2005 The EDB Team Kristen Corwin Jeff McHugh Chris Farmer (301)
173 Profile of U.S. Exporters 2004 – 2005
174 Data Dissemination Branch Data Dissemination Branch Understanding and Using Foreign Trade Data Seminar May 16, 2007
175 Press Releases FT-900: U.S. International Trade In Goods and Services FT-900A: U.S. Imports for Consumption of Steel Products Profile of U.S. Exporting Companies Related Party Trade
176 Data Reports Softwood Lumber Imports from Canada FT920: U.S. Merchandise Trade: Selected Highlights
177 Trade Statistics Commodity Advanced Technology Products, End-Use, NAICS, SITC Country Top Trading Partners Trade in Goods by Country Trade with Puerto Rico and U.S. Possessions Special Reports Textile Imports
178 State Export Data U.S. Exports of Goods by State Origin of Movement NAICS - Product Groupings State Exports by Top 25 Commodities & Countries
179 U.S. Imports and Exports of Merchandise Trade Data Monthly Entire FTD Data Base HS Detail - All Commodities Value, Quantity, Shipping Weight Country, District Method of Transportation
180 Monthly continued Monthly and Year-to-Date Statistics Concordance Look-up Software Five Year History Annual Revisions U.S. Imports and Exports of Merchandise Trade Data
181 Other Data Products Selected Commodity Subscription Service (1 to 10 Reports) Data Banks Port HS Customized Reports
182 USATrade Online Exports and Imports Harmonized System (HS) Classification Country and District level Monthly and Year-to-Date data present Annual data from 1992 – present
183 Port Data on USATrade Online District, Port, and Country Monthly, YTD, and Annual from 2003 – Present 2-, 4-, and 6-Digit HS Imports and Exports
184 Port Data on USATrade Online Total Value Vessel Value Vessel Shipping Weight Air Value Air Shipping Weight Containerized Vessel Value Containerized Vessel Shipping Weight
185 USATrade Online Features Search by word or code Drill down by HS level Print, Chart, Download reports Create and save custom reports Standard reports
186 USATrade Online Features Rank Graph Sort Drag and Drop Highlight Calculate Suppress
187 Coming Soon to USATrade Online NAICS – Imports NAICS – Exports State Exports by 2-, 4-, and 6-Digit HS 2-, 3-, and 4-Digit NAICS
188 FTD Website - Features Search Index, Map, and Search FTD Web News FTD Links Release Dates, Announcements
189 FTD Website - References Schedule B Search Engine Browse, Search or Download Schedule B Book Information Concordance Files Obsolete to New Codes Notices, Guides, Papers Classifications Codes Staff Directories
190 Customized Reports (301) (301) (Fax) General Inquiries (301) (301) (Fax) Data Dissemination Branch