Industry & Analysis Spotlight Series September 25, 2014 For U.S. Government Use Only
Metropolitan Export Series Natalie Soroka Economist Office of Trade and Economic Analysis Speakers Trade Missions Frank Spector Acting Director for Trade Missions Office of Trade Promotion Programs For U.S. Government Use Only 2
Metropolitan Export Series Natalie Soroka Trade Policy & Analysis Industry & Analysis September 2014 Data 101 For Internal ITA Purposes Only
International Trade Administration Organization International Trade Administration Creates prosperity by strengthening competitiveness of U.S. industry, promoting trade and investment, and ensuring fair trade and compliance with trade laws and agreements. Enforcement & Compliance Enforce U.S. trade law and ensure compliance with trade agreements. Global Markets Country expertise focused on removing market access barriers. Commercial diplomacy expertise focused on broadening and deepening the U.S. exporter base. Industry & Analysis Industry, trade, and economic expertise focused on improving U.S. competitiveness. For U.S. Government Use Only 4
Industry & Analysis Organization Industry and Analysis Trade Policy and Analysis Services Manufacturing Trade Programs Office of Planning, Coordination and Management Trade Agreements Secretariat Textiles, Materials, and Consumer Goods Office of Advisory Committees National Travel and Tourism Office For U.S. Government Use Only 5
Metropolitan Export Series Publicly-available resource detailing U.S. merchandise exports from metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) Released once each year (summer) Origin-of-Movement methodology (ZIP-based) For U.S. Government Use Only 6
Metropolitan Export Series Series available from 2005 through 2013 Based on an Origin of Movement zip-code-based series All 387 MSAs Top 50 MSAs Top 25 MSAs Total merchandise exports Top 3-digit NAICS export categories Merchandise exports to select regional destinations Exports as a percent of the state total, where possible Merchandise exports to individual countries (top five) Merchandise exports by county 4-digit NAICS detail For U.S. Government Use Only 7
Database Landing Page Report options Links to additional reports & information For U.S. Government Use Only 8
Exports by Metropolitan Area (Map Report) Data table Graphic Data and graphic options Header and more options For U.S. Government Use Only 9
Top Bar Options Return to database main page Switch graphic to pie chart (data remains the same) Preview & print the page (map, legend, data) Pop-up window with download options (individual items, or download all in a ZIP file Pop-up window with just the data (can be copied & pasted into Excel or Word) For U.S. Government Use Only 10
Available Reports For U.S. Government Use Only 11
Detail on Available Reports (1) Export totals by MSA, both map and pie/bar chart graphics available Top exports by 3-digit NAICS code for user-selected MSA Top export markets for user-selected MSA Only available for the top 50 metro areas Export totals by world region for user-selected MSA Share of state goods exports accounted for by each MSA Only available for MSAs located entirely within one (1) state For U.S. Government Use Only 12
Detail on Available Reports (2) Export totals by 3-digit ZIP code Export totals by county Only available for top 10 counties within the top 50 metro areas Only available starting with 2012 data Top 10 MSAs (by export value) to user-selected export market Top 50 MSAs (by export value) by user-selected 3-digit NAICS code Exports by 4-digit NAICS code for user-selected MSA Only available starting with 2012 data For U.S. Government Use Only 13
Common Questions Q: How is a metropolitan area defined? A: All metropolitan Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) export numbers in these tables were tabulated by matching the five-digit zip codes entered on U.S. export declarations with the five-digit zip codes specified for each metropolitan CBSA using concordance files from the Census Bureau’s Geography Division and the U.S. Postal Service. The boundaries of official metropolitan CBSAs are county-based and are defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). A comprehensive listing of the areas is available on OMB’s website. Q: How often are metropolitan areas updated? A: Metropolitan areas are redefined every 10 years based on population counts taken during the 10-year Census. The metropolitan areas referenced in the 2005 to 2012 data are based on the 2000 Census. The metropolitan areas referenced in the 2013 data are based on the 2010 Census. Q: What is the Origin of Movement series? A: The OM series measures export statistics based on the location from which the merchandise starts its journey to the port of export. The earliest version of this series was based on the state from which merchandise began its journey (as listed on the shipper’s export declaration). In 2004, changes were made such that the origin of movement could also be determined by the zip code of the U.S. Principle Party of Interest. The collection of this new zip-based series is what makes it possible to determine exports by metropolitan area. Q: Why is data not available for certain metropolitan areas? A: Because of U.S. laws that preclude disclosure of confidential business data provided to the federal government, it was necessary for the U.S. Census Bureau to completely suppress the totals for some areas. Q: Can I compare data from the metropolitan series to state data from other sources, such as TradeStats Express or USA Trade Online? A: No. The metropolitan series should only be compared to other sources that also use the Origin of Movement zip code based series. Both TradeStats Express and USA Trade Online publish their export data on an Origin of Movement state-basis. State totals on a zip-basis can be found on the Census Bureau’s website, located here: Q: Why are there a number of metro area changes starting in the year 2013? A: The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) updates the criteria for delineating metropolitan areas once every ten years in conjunction with new population estimates from the decennial census. The 2013 data is the first year to reflect updated metro areas based on the 2010 Census. As a result, some areas no longer meet the criteria to be considered a metropolitan area and there are a number of new metropolitan areas starting in More information can be found here: For U.S. Government Use Only 14 Website for Public Release: Pre-Fabricated Top 50 Metro Export Area Fact Sheets Metro Series Homepage For U.S. Government Use Only 15
Additional Information For U.S. Government Use Only 16
Exporter Database Publicly-available resource outlining the export activities of U.S. exporters in the most recent year available (2011) Focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) For U.S. Government Use Only 17
Jobs Supported by Exports: National, Destination Country, & Pending State Detail Publicly-available resource outlining the number of jobs supported by exports: For U.S. Government Use Only 18
TP&A Data and Information Resources (Links) ITA Information Resources TradeStats Express (TSE) TradeStats Express Plus (TSE+) Metropolitan Export Series Exporter Database (EDB) Export-Related Employment (XRE) Exporter Database (EDB) State Import Series Trade Information Policy System (TPIS) FTA Tariff Tool Trade Statistics Main Pagehttp:// TPA Home Pagehttp:// For U.S. Government Use Only 19
DoC Trade Missions For U.S. Government Use Only20
DoC Trade Mission Certified Trade Mission DoC Organized Mission Two types For U.S. Government Use Only21
DoC Trade Missions Certified Trade Mission Lead by some outside entity For U.S. Government Use Only22
DoC Trade Mission Executive-led Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Under Secretary, Deputy Under Secretary or Assistant Secretary leads the mission Non-executive led All other DoC missions are non-executive-led For U.S. Government Use Only23
DoC Trade Mission Proposal process Any personAny team Any office For U.S. Government Use Only24
DoC Trade Mission o Trade Events Board approval o Recruitment o Company applicati ons For U.S. Government Use Only25
DoC Trade Mission Recruitment For U.S. Government Use Only26
DoC Trade Mission Vetting For U.S. Government Use Only27
DoC Trade Mission Invitation and payment For U.S. Government Use Only28
DoC Trade Mission The mission itself Most missions include: Market Briefings from American Embassy One-on-one business meetings with pre-screened potential business partners Networking Receptions Site visits (possible) Press interaction For U.S. Government Use Only29
DoC Trade Mission Follow-up activities For U.S. Government Use Only30
DoC Trade Mission Performance Measures For U.S. Government Use Only31
DoC Trade Mission For any questions about the Trade Mission Program please contact Frank Spector Trade Missions Director (A) For U.S. Government Use Only32