ASCM Clinical Skills Shoulder
Inspection Swelling, bony prominence Swelling, bony prominence Bruising / lacerations Bruising / lacerations Position of arm Position of arm Asymmetry Asymmetry Atrophy Atrophy Surgical scars Surgical scars
Palpation Expose both shoulders Palpate bony prominences Soft tissue palpation, least tender areas first Compare to contralateral side
AC Joint
ACTIVE PASSIVE ABNORMAL Compare both shoulders
Range of Motion Forward Flexion: 180°
Range of Motion Abduction: 180°
Range of Motion External Rotation: 60-80°
Range of Motion Internal Rotation: T7
Range of Motion Internal Rotation at 90° Forward Flexion: 90°
Rotator Cuff Injury Tendonopathy or tear Partial or complete Acute or chronic
Rotator Cuff Injury Jobe Test: Supraspinatus Middle deltoid
Rotator Cuff Injury External Rotation: Teres minor Infraspinatus
Rotator Cuff Injury Internal Rotation: Subscapularis Pectoralis major Latissimus dorsi
Rotator Cuff Injury Drop Arm Test: Unable to resist pressure at 90° abduction Drop Arm Test: Unable to resist pressure at 90° abduction Painful Arc: Between 45 ° and 120° abduction Painful Arc: Between 45 ° and 120° abduction
Impingement Usually subacromial space Irritation between AC joint, RC tendons and bursae
Impingement Neer’s Test
Impingement Hawkin’s Test
Biceps tendonitis/tear Usually long head Related to overuse/activity Anterior shoulder pain Acute or chronic Weakness with resisted flexion/supination
Biceps Tendon
Biceps tendonitis Yergason’s Test
Biceps tendonitis Speed’s Test
AC Joint arthritis Crossed Adduction Test
GH Joint Laxity Apprehension Test Relocation
GH Joint Laxity Sulcus Sign
GH Joint Laxity Load and Shift Test
Referred Pain Neck Neck Elbow Elbow Heart Heart Diaphragmatic Diaphragmatic Pan coast Pan coast
Neurological Examination Radial nerve – Thumbs up Radial nerve – Thumbs up Median nerve – Thumb to hypothenar eminence Median nerve – Thumb to hypothenar eminence Ulnar nerve – Abduct V Ulnar nerve – Abduct V Axillary nerve - Deltoid Axillary nerve - Deltoid