Causes to the Austrian-Hungarian Split. Reaction to the 1848 Magyar Revolt Russia provided vital aid in suppressing the insurrections A reassertion of.


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Presentation transcript:

Causes to the Austrian-Hungarian Split

Reaction to the 1848 Magyar Revolt Russia provided vital aid in suppressing the insurrections A reassertion of absolutist policy Military and Bureaucracy dominated by German-speaking Austrians

War Refusal to support Russia in the Crimean War Defeat in Italy and Prussia Loss of influence Failure of domestic “Bach system”

The Habsburg Government

October Diploma Federalism Dominant Monarchy Hungarian Response Anton Ritter von Schmerling

February Patent Local and Regional government split Reichsrat Hungarians do not participate

Upper Chamber Lower Chamber Monarchy

Ausgleich and the Separation of Austria

Magyars v. Monarch After many years of unrest between the Magyars and the monarch, a settlement was reached after the unification of Germany. After having secret meetings, the two groups finally made the Ausgleich. Francis Joseph

The Ausgleich In 1867, the Ausgleich was made as a compromise between the Magyars and Francis Joseph. The Ausgleich made the Habsburg empire into a dual monarchy which was called Austria- Hungary.

Characteristics of the Dual Monarchy Francis Joseph is made king of Hungary in The two countries shared things like their foreign minister, and their ministers of finance and defense. The two countries met every 10 years to discuss their trade agreements.

Austria and Hungary Divided

Following the Compromise Growing Unrest

Habsburg Splintering The Empire, while consolidating the Hungarian peoples into one nation, still remained fragmented. The largest nationalities besides Hungary were the Czechs, the Poles, and the Serbians.

Czech Demands Feeling slighted that Hungary received its own state, the Czechs cried out for trialism. This government, one that included Bohemia as equal to Hungary and Austria, would have taken power from the Magyars, who vetoed it, even though Emperor Franz Joseph agreed to it. To make amends, the Czechs were given bribes and spots in the government for twenty years. In 1897, Franz Joseph gave Czechs and Germans equality of language in Bohemia.

Gridlock in Parliament The Germans, protesting the Emperor’s uplifting of the Czechs, disrupted Parliament wherever they could. The Czechs responded in kind, and Parliament became so frozen that the Emperor soon was able to rule by decree, as Parliament could not bring itself to stop him. In 1907 the Emperor gave all of Austria universal male suffrage, the right to vote, but with Parliament immobilized, voting did little.