ACI Award Submission Social Media Campaigns Title: jetSet Parking social media Edmonton International Airport (EIA)
jetSet’s Social Media - Twitter Page: -Page created Feb 22, Over 650 followers by March 1, 2013
jetSet’s Social Media - facebook page:!/jetSetParking -Page created July 28, Over 1,500 friends by March 1, 2013
jetSet’s JackPot – 99% off Promotion - In September, 2012 we introduced jetSet’s first ever 24 hour Jackpot where customers could book their parking for 99% off within a specified 24 hour period. - Facebook teaser ads and twitter communications were used the week leading up to the promotion. - A newspaper banner print ad was also printed the day of the promotion. - Redemption was tracked using 2 promotion codes: FREEFALL for those who heard about it through social media, and FREEFALLN for those who saw it in the newspaper.
jetSet’s Jackpot - facebook Ads & Results jetSet saw 748 bookings within a 14 hour period: -553 bookings came from social media avenues -195 bookings came from the newspaper print ad jetSet Jackpot sold out before the 24 hour period expired.
jetSet Jackpot - facebook & Twitter Response
jetSet - a lot to love - In October, 2012 we asked our jetSetters why jetSet is ‘a lot to love’. -We received an overwhelmingly positive response - A winner was chosen at random to receive complimentary tickets to an Edmonton Eskimos CFL game (Canadian Football League).
Halloween Social Media Contest jetSet asked facebook friends and Twitter followers to explain their most recent parking stunts, scares, or sentiments. jetSet increased friends and followers by 8% while continuing to foster a positive attitude about jetSet’s extended offerings.
Halloween Social Media Contest - jetSet gave away branded candies and a complementary parking pass to anyone who parked at jetSet ‘after dark’ between October 26 – Oct 31, jetSet awarded 3 weeks of complementary parking to the person whose comment got the most positive attention - Promoted through facebook, Twitter, and a newspaper banner print ad.
Valentine’s Day Promotion
Social Media Valentine’s Day Prize