LIBRARY SERVICES Internet sources of information Paula Funnell Senior Academic Liaison Librarian (Medicine and Dentistry) i
Categories of information resource Web search engines Electronic databases Clinical summaries
Web search engines Specifically ones which search across a range of good quality internet resources Several medicine specific search engines Provide huge variety of results Beware quality of information. –Is it evidence based? –Has it been critically appraised?
Databases Vast collections of references of published research Filters can be applied to narrow results down Searches can be combined and saved for future use References can be imported to EndNote Web
Clinical Summaries NOT source of primary research Evidence has been read and summarised Information presented in a short paragraph, or as little as a bullet point Up-to-date and accurate sources of clinical knowledge
Categories of information resource You have each been allocated a resource from one of the different categories. Use the worksheet to guide you in familiarising yourself with the resource and be ready to report back to the group about it.
Categories of information resource Web search engines Google Scholar Medline Plus NHS Evidence Trip Online Databases Medline (PubMed) Web of Science The Cochrane Library Clinical Summaries Clinical Evidence Clinical Knowledge Systems Bandolier
Web search engines Specifically ones which search across a range of good quality internet resources Several medicine specific search engines Provide huge variety of results Beware quality of information. –Is it evidence based? –Has it been critically appraised?
TRIP database One simple search box Results colour coded by format of information found giving an at a glance indication of quality of information Results vary widely - including primary research, reviews, textbooks and news
Google scholar Will generate more academic results than Google Can be limited by date No indication of quality of information
Medline Plus US National Institutes of Health's web site for patients and their families and friends Designed to provide up-to-date healthcare information in understandable language Also provides links to the latest medical research
NHS Evidence Searches across all electronic resources provided by NHS Results can be filtered –Type of information –Areas of interest –Sources
Databases Vast collections of references of published research Filters can be applied to narrow results down Searches can be combined and saved for future use References can be imported to EndNote Web
The Cochrane Library High quality systematic reviews Full text of Cochrane reviews Abstracts of other systematic reviews and clinical trials
Medline (Pubmed) Pubmed is a search interface for Medline Database of references and abstracts of journal articles Covers the broad field of biomedicine Special QM PubMed address for easier full-text access
Web of science Part of ISI Web of Knowledge Contains: –Science Citation Index –Social Sciences Citation Index –Arts and Humanities Citation Index Need to log in off campus
Clinical Summaries NOT source of primary research Evidence has been read and summarised Information presented in a short paragraph, or as little as a bullet point Up-to-date and accurate sources of clinical knowledge
Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS) Provides short bullet point lists of information Accompanied with links to primary research Covers common conditions managed in primary care
Clinical Evidence Current evidence-based reviews of treatments (currently 260) Clinical information displayed in a question and answer format Links to current evidence and guidelines Additional links provided to patient information and BNF
Bandolier Oxford University compiled resource Contains summaries of clinical trials ‘bottom line’ evidence provided in one bullet point
Summary Use specialist search engines to search across a wide range of good quality web resources Use databases to find academic research articles, both primary research as well as review articles Use clinical summaries for a quick overview of the best available evidence