Federal Public Health Service Nursing Strategic Plan Taking Action Promoting National Campaigns & Beyond March 2015
Agenda Background Strategic impact areas and Million Hearts Questions National Prevention Strategy Federal Public Health Service Nursing Strategic Plan Strategic impact areas and Million Hearts Questions
Problem in United States America provides some of the world’s best health care and spent over $2.5 trillion for health in 2009; however, the U.S. still ranks below many countries in life expectancy, infant mortality, and many other indicators of health life. Resource: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Office of the Actuary. National Health Statistics Group, National Healthcare Expenditures Data, www.cms.gov/NationalHealthExpendData/downloads/highlights/pdf.
Discrepancy Between Health Determinants and Spending of $1 Discrepancy Between Health Determinants and Spending of $1.7 Trillion, 2007 Factors Influencing Health National Health Expenditures Health Behaviors 50% Environment 20% Genetics 20% Access to Care 10% Medical Services 96% Prevention 4% These figures from 2007, demonstrate the discrepancy in the US between various determinants of health and healthcare spending. Health behaviors and the environment account for 70% of health determinants – which impact risk factors for cardiovascular disease, while we spend 4 cents on the dollar of our national health expenditures on prevention and public health. CLICK SLIDE This study from the Prevention Institute, a non-profit organization, reported that workplace wellness and prevention efforts at two major corporations saved one corporation nearly 4 dollars for every $1 invested in wellness benefits, while another corporation saw an annual savings of close to $250 per employee from their health and wellness programs. Source: Prevention Institute. 2007. Reducing Healthcare Costs Through Prevention. Available at http://www.preventioninstitute.org/documents/HE_HealthCareReformPolicyDraft_091507.pdf
Health Health is more than merely the absence of disease; it is physical, mental, and social well-being. Many of the strongest predictors of health and well-being fall outside of the health care setting. Social, economic, and environmental factors all influence health. Resource: http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/initiatives/prevention/strategy/report.pdf
National Prevention Strategy History Affordable Care Act, March 2010 National Prevention Council National Prevention Strategy, June 2011 Prevention Advisory Group Partners National Prevention Council Action Plan, June 2012 The problem: Although America provides some of the world’s best health care and spent over $2.5 trillion for health in 2009, the U.S. still ranks below many countries in life expectancy, infant mortality, and many other indicators of health life. National Prevention Council: Opportunity to prioritize and align prevention efforts across the federal government and the nation Chaired by the U.S. Surgeon General Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Office of the Actuary. National Health Statistics Group, National Healthcare Expenditures Data, www. The National Prevention Council, created through the Affordable Care Act, comprises 20 federal departments, agencies and offices and is chaired by the Surgeon General. The National Prevention Council developed the National Prevention Strategy with input from the Prevention Advisory Group, stakeholders, and the public
National Prevention Strategy Working together to improve the health and quality of life for individuals, families, and communities By Moving the nation from a focus on sickness and disease to one based on prevention and wellness. The National Prevention Strategy, released June 16, 2011, aims to guide our nation in the most effective and achievable means for improving health and well-being. The Strategy prioritizes prevention by integrating recommendations and actions across multiple settings to improve health and save lives. This is the roadmap to a healthier and happier nation. National Prevention Strategy is a call to action across all sectors – government, healthcare, community organizations, educators, religious organizations, and individuals – to work together in addressing the growth of chronic disease, poor health habits, and rise in unhealthy behaviors that are leading America down a path of reduced quality of life. The remaining question is how do you make the NPS relevant to the public? The most effective mechanism is the Commissioned
National Prevention Strategy Identifies goals, priorities, recommendations, and measures for improving health through prevention Grounds recommendations in evidence-based practice Aligns and focuses federal prevention and health promotion efforts Aligns with existing national efforts, such as: Healthy People 2020 National Quality Strategy First Lady’s “Let’s Move!” campaign America’s Great Outdoor Initiative
Road Map to a Happier and Healthier Nation
Who is on the Road Map? Collaborative, Community Effort with Private and Public Stakeholders; Community Groups; Religious Organizations; Federal Government; States, Tribal Local, and Territorial, Governments; Businesses and Employers; Health Care Systems; Insurers; Individuals and Families
NPS and USPHS • 2011: USPHS Scientific & Training Symposium: Categories reviewed the National Prevention Strategy and determined how to integrate into their work Each category created an NPS plan • 2012-2013: Category CPOs worked together and talked regularly about how to implement the NPS into their mission and activities Each category created their own plan for NPS implementation
National Prevention Strategy Workgroup/PHS Category Specific NPS Therapists Dental Veterinarians Environmental Health Officers Dieticians Engineers Scientists Pharmacists Medical Officers Health Service Officers Nurses COA, 2011: Call to Action: Each category draft a document which will describe how the can support the Surgeon General’s National Prevention Strategy (NPS) Joag is also involved.
Why is the NPS important to the CC? Promotes visibility of the CC Solidifies role of the PHS in the “war against disease” Creates a common standard of public service and greater purpose for CC Officers across categories Our mission!
NPS Approach/Plan Focus on where people live, learn, work, and play Promote healthy development and behaviors throughout all stages of life Eliminate disparities Work across sectors Catalyze public and private partnerships: Federal, state, tribal, local, and territorial Private, non-profit, faith, community, labor
FPHSNSP Plan- Development Goal: Maximize impact of HHS nurses to improve health outcomes for the American people. Environmental Scan: Conducted which includes reviews of Healthy People 2020, HHS Strategic plan, USPHS Surgeon General’s National Prevention Strategy, and IOM Future of Nursing report. Inauguration: Inaugural Federal Public Health Service Nursing (FPHSN) plan was developed in 2011. Task Force: Identified mission, vision and values lead to development of health initiatives and strategic impact areas forming the basis of a strategic model framework.
FPHSNSP Implementation Stages Phase 1 Stage 1: Communication/Dissemination Plan Stage 2: Needs Assessment Survey Stage 3: Benchmarking activities Phase 2 Stage 4: Marketing Plan Stage 5: Revise dissemination plan to include social media, Facebook and www.phs-nurse.org/PHSNurseStrategicPlan Phase 3 Stage 6: Ongoing Evaluation and Monitoring Stage 7: Repeat survey or integrate into evaluation process
NPS Priorities Tobacco Free Living Preventing Drug Abuse and Excessive Alcohol Use Healthy Eating Active Living Mental and Emotional Well-being Reproductive and Sexual Health Injury and Violence Free Living Source: National Vital Statistics Report, CDC, 2008
FPHSNSP Goals GOAL 1. HEART HEALTHY GOAL 1. HEART HEALTHY Improve cardiovascular health through prevention, detection, and education of risk factors associated with coronary heart disease and stroke. GOAL 1. HEART HEALTHY Improve cardiovascular health through prevention, detection, and education of risk factors associated with coronary heart disease and stroke. GOAL 1. HEART HEALTHY Improve overall healthy eating and reduce obesity throughout the lifespan through awareness of early prevention, detection, and education of the health risks and conditions associated with obesity. GOAL 2. HEALTHY EATING Improve overall healthy eating and reduce obesity throughout the lifespan through awareness of early prevention, detection, and education of the health risks and conditions associated with obesity. GOAL 2. HEALTHY EATING Improve the mental health resilience and emotional well being through early detection, prevention and education focused on violence and suicide risk reduction GOAL 3. MENTAL EMOTIONAL WELL BEING Improve the mental health resilience and emotional well being through early detection, prevention and education focused on violence and suicide risk reduction GOAL 3. MENTAL EMOTIONAL WELL BEING Enhance comprehensive and evidenced-based efforts to prevent and reduce tobacco use, and encourage tobacco cessation. GOAL 4. TOBACCO FREE LIVING Enhance comprehensive and evidenced-based efforts to prevent and reduce tobacco use, and encourage tobacco cessation. GOAL 4. TOBACCO FREE LIVING Unify and coordinate Nursing Federal Workforce Teams to lead and advocate the implementation and sustainment of the FPHSN Strategic Plan. GOAL 5. UNIFIED PHS NURSES Unify and coordinate Nursing Federal Workforce Teams to lead and advocate the implementation and sustainment of the FPHSN Strategic Plan. GOAL 5. UNIFIED PHS NURSES
FPHSNSP: Framework Three Strategic Impact Areas Education and empower individuals, families and populations Direct or Indirect Promoting the implementation of Federal Health Programs, policy, regulations and research Enhancement of nursing practice and impact across all agencies Encourage participation in National Health Promotion campaigns. Examples include MyPlate, Million Hearts Campaign
NPS Framework
FPHSNSP: Framework The FPHSN initiative serves as a framework to strengthen PHS nurses’ ability to address prevention strategies. The task force’s development, implementation, and communication of the plan and its framework illustrates a structured approach for every PHS nurse to take action in meeting the evolving health system changes under the Affordable care act and emerging health needs
NPS Vision and Goal The National Prevention Strategy’s vision: working together to improve the health and quality of life for individuals, families, and communities by moving the nation from a focus on sickness and disease to one based on prevention and wellness. The National Prevention Strategy’s overarching goal: increasing the number of Americans who are healthy at every stage of life.
FPHSN Vision and Mission Health outcomes are optimal and health disparities are eliminated for all people through the promotion of wellness and disease prevention efforts. THE VISION: To enhance and improve health and safety outcomes through leadership, education and research by providing exceptional, culturally competent, holistic nursing services to all people. THE MISSION:
What has been accomplished so far? Initial Dissemination of information All Hands presentation by CNO, RADM Nesseler Baseline survey Presentations to Federal Nurse Leadership Network Presentations during COA (2) AMSUS Poster presentations (3) NRD Poster presentations (2) Development of website
New Website Design http://phs-nurse.org/PHSNurseStrategicPlan/
Next steps for operational impact Identified National Campaign to unify nursing voice and impact Decision Matrix developed for Implementation Team Communication of National Campaign to all Federal Public Health Service Nurses Record activity of nursing and report to CNO Repeat activity and awareness survey Report results to stakeholders
National Campaign Selection Aligns with Healthy People 2020 Have well developed tools and outreach materials Aligns with Federal Public Health Service Nurse Strategic Plan Outreach and Initiatives Correlates with a strategic impact area Aligns with National Prevention Strategy Level of impact to meet the PHS mission to protect, promote and advance the health and safety of the nation
Decision Matrix A Decision Matrix was developed to assist workgroup in determining best campaign Nurses scored above categories Top score was chosen
Million Hearts Tools Ready to Use Download instructional materials Easy to apply to a variety of settings Ability to link material with our website
Heart disease and stroke are two of the leading causes of death in the United States. Million Hearts® brings together communities, health systems, nonprofit organizations, federal agencies, and private-sector partners from across the country to fight heart disease and stroke. Million Hearts® is a national initiative that was launched by the Department of Health and Human Services in September 2011 to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes by 2017. Million Hearts® will achieve its goal by reducing the number of people who need treatment and by improving the ABCS for those who do.
How to Participate? CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE WHERE YOU CAN SIGN UP AND SUBMIT YOUR ACTIVITIES http://phs-nurse.org/PHSNurseStrategicPlan Sign up and submit your activities Go to Million Hearts http://millionhearts.hhs.gov/index.html And sign up to be One in a Million Get Involved and use the tools provided to help you get the message out…Federal PubliC Health Service Nurses Support Million Hearts Campaign and cardiovascular risk reduction.
Resources/Websites http://symposium.phscof.org/docs/2013Presentations/Wednesday/Track1/Track1Mettee.pdf http://symposium.phscof.org/docs/2013Presentations/Thursday/Scientist/SciPesceSciPAC.pdf http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/initiatives/prevention/strategy/report.pdf