University of Dundee, Disability Services 1
2 Disability Services Overview & Inclusive Teaching Norma Rodley Disability Advisor Andy McMahon IT Disability Support Specialist/Alternative formats manager
University of Dundee, Disability Services 3 How we support students Confidential one to one meeting with agreed outcomes Review meetings (minimum 1 per year) Dyslexia screening and diagnosis Study skills support Mental health mentoring Study skills with learning technology support Disabled Student Allowance (DSA) assessment: –Equipment and consumables –Personal support (note takers, lab support, organisational and proof-reading) –Travel (if required)
University of Dundee, Disability Services 4 How we support you We support you to support disabled students: –We will liaise with your School with regards to student support –We can provide bespoke training at your request –We will offer advice, guidance and support as you need it
University of Dundee, Disability Services 5 Staff with disabilities –Staff would normally be referred to Disability Services via Occupational Health Services –We can support staff who require: Assessment for ergonomics Personal assistance Information Technology specialist setup/adjustments Travel Access to work referral and assessment
University of Dundee, Disability Services 6 Discussion Statements When a student discloses a disability to you in the course of your employment you should not share information about that disclosure with anyone else. Making the curriculum inclusive for all students means that there is no need to make reasonable adjustments for disabled students. Providing course materials in electronic formats makes the materials accessible to disabled students.
University of Dundee, Disability Services 7 Discussion Statements Assistive technology makes it easier for disabled students to undertake their coursework. Making adjustments for disabled students gives them an unfair advantage over other students who also experience difficulties on their course. Ensuring equal access for disabled students is Disability Services’ responsibility.
University of Dundee, Disability Services 8 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
University of Dundee, Disability Services 9 How to approach a student you suspect might have a disability? Provide generic advice to all students on the course regarding student services support & disability services Private conversation with student ( , 1 to 1 meeting)
University of Dundee, Disability Services 10 What would you do if a student disclosed a disability to you? Student consent to share information: –Disability Services have a form available for this purpose guidance/ guidance/ Encourage the student to self refer: –Help the student make contact –Use your office phone to call Disability Services – Disability Services –Direct the student to Disability Services reception
University of Dundee, Disability Services 11 Where can I find existing Disability adjustments for a student/class? E-vision –Disability Class list – enter module code, or search name/matric –School class list Last 2 columns, date updated, and adjustments
University of Dundee, Disability Services 12 Common Adjustments nce/ nce/ Inclusive teaching & best practice reduces the need for individual adjustments: –Provide materials in an accessible format (Disability Services can advise/provide training resources/inclusivetm/) resources/inclusivetm/) –Teaching materials posted to my.dundee in advance of classes –Follow the University’s reading list policy –Refer to the University’s policy on recording lectures – students are now permitted to record lectures by default but with exceptions.
University of Dundee, Disability Services 13 Adjustments Continued: Teaching Considerations: –Use Styles and Templates when creating new teaching materials (Disability Services can advise/provide training) resources/inclusivetm/) resources/inclusivetm/) –Switch on the microphone –Repeat any questions raised from the audience before answering them –Face the class when speaking (some students may be lip reading). –Use verbose descriptions as opposed to pointing at objects. –Provide clear instructions and objectives –Ensure your contact details/profile is up to date –Make yourself accessible to students
University of Dundee, Disability Services 14 Get to know your Disability Support Officer (DSO) There is a DSO representative for every College/School. The DSO is the 1 st point of liaison between Disability Services and the School Find out who your DSO is: aff/disabilitysupportofficers/ aff/disabilitysupportofficers/
University of Dundee, Disability Services 15 Support & Training for Academic Departments Disability Services can provide: –Support with assessing inclusiveness of the curriculum –Tailored Training courses: Inclusive Learning and Teaching Creating accessible documents Supporting Visually Impaired Students Deaf Awareness Dyslexia Awareness Supporting Mental Health Students
University of Dundee, Disability Services 16 Legal & Policy Disabled staff and students are protected by the Equality Act. 7% of Dundee University students and 5% of staff have disclosed a disability (March 2013) The Equality Act covers physical and sensory impairments, medical conditions, mental health difficulties. The University should take a proactive response in its approach to the Equality Act. Some examples: –University Recording Policy –University Reading List Policy Contact Disability Services
University of Dundee, Disability Services 17 Inclusive Practice Resources Disability Services - Inclusive Teaching Resources: siveteachingandassessment/ siveteachingandassessment/ Quality Framework - Inclusiveness of the Curriculum: Inclusive Practice Award: Inclusive Practice Showcase: Alternative Formats Service:
University of Dundee, Disability Services 18 Disability Services Telephone: (3)85402