The Vice Chancellor knows! “You deserve better” Dr. Michael Spence to staff via video statement 21 Nov 2011 “This is a time of low trust” Dr. Michael Spence to Law Faculty Staff 8 May 2012 Semantics Dr. Michael Spence explains why University staff have issues with senior University Manager performance bonuses, 19 June 2013!
What do the figures mean? Grade / StepNow July % July % July % July % July % July % July % July % 3/ (+167) (+344) (+532) (+731) 4/ (+181) (+373) (+577) (+793) 5/ (+208) (+429) (+663) (+910) 6/ (+230) (+475) (+734) (+1008) 7/ (+256) (+527) (+815) (+1120) 8/ (+296) (+610) (+943) (+1296)
The $3160 flat offer: HEO 1-4 HE01 Salary$ IncrementSalary% Increment Current $ 46,468.00Year 0 $ 46, Year 1 $ 49, % $ 47, % Year 2 $ 52, % $ 49, % Year 3 $ 55, % $ 50, % Year 4 $ 59, % $ 52, % HE02 Current $ 49,265.00Year 0 $ 49, Year 1 $ 52, % $ 50, % Year 2 $ 55, % $ 52, % Year 3 $ 58, % $ 53, % Year 4 $ 61, % $ 55, % HE03 Current $ 55,787.00Year 0 $ 55, Year 1 $ 58, % $ 57, % Year 2 $ 62, % $ 59, % Year 3 $ 65, % $ 60, % Year 4 $ 68, % $ 62, % HE04 Current $ 60,447.00Year 0 $ 60, Year 1 $ 63, % $ 62, % Year 2 $ 66, % $ 64, % Year 3 $ 69, % $ 65, % Year 4 $ 73, % $ 67, %
The $3160 flat offer: HEO 5-8 HE05 Current $ 69,298.00Year 0 $ 69, Year 1 $ 72, % $ 71, % Year 2 $ 75, % $ 73, % Year 3 $ 78, % $ 75, % Year 4 $ 81, % $ 77, % HE06 Current $ 76,752.00Year 0 $ 76, Year 1 $ 79, % $ 78, % Year 2 $ 83, % $ 81, % Year 3 $ 86, % $ 83, % Year 4 $ 89, % $ 86, % HE07 Current $ 85,142.00Year 0 $ 85, Year 1 $ 88, % $ 87, % Year 2 $ 91, % $ 90, % Year 3 $ 94, % $ 92, % Year 4 $ 97, % $ 95, % HE08 Current $ 98,651.00Year 0 $ 98, Year 1 $ 101, % $ 101, % Year 2 $ 104, % $ 104, % Year 3 $ 108, % $ 107, % Year 4 $ 111, % $ 110, %
The $3160 flat rate offer: HEO 9-10 HE09 Current $107,039.00Year 0 $ 107, Year 1 $ 110, % $ 110, % Year 2 $ 113, % $ 113, % Year 3 $ 116, % $ 116, % Year 4 $ 119, % $ 120, % HE010 Current $108,437.00Year 0 $ 108, Year 1 $ 111, % $ 111, % Year 2 $ 114, % $ 114, % Year 3 $ 117, % $ 118, % Year 4 $ 121, % $ 121, %
SUMMARY – where we’ll be in 4 years $ 59, % $ 52, % HEO / step level Salary after flat $3160 Increase Total % gain Salary after 2.9% increase Total % gain Salary after 3.2% 1 / 3$59, %$52, % 2 / 2$61, %$55, % 3 / 5$68, %$62, %$63,277 4 / 3$73, %$67, %$68,563 5 / 5$81, %$77, %$78,604 6 / 4$89, %$86, %$87,058 7 / 4$97, %$95, %$96,576 8 / 5$111, %$110, %$111,898 9 / 3$119, %$120, % 10$121, %$121, %
Higher wages BonusGeneralAcademic None$107,039 (HEO 9)$105,004 (B – Hi) $500All better off$124,898 (C – Hi) $1000All better off$124,898 (C – Hi) $2000All better off$124,898 (C – Hi) LevelStartEnd (4 Years) HEO 9$107,039$119,679 HEO 10$108,437$121,077 Level B - Hi$105,004$117,644 Level C – Lo$108,318$120,958 Level C – Hi$124,898$137,538 Level D – Lo$130,422$143,062 Level D – Hi$143,680$156,320 Level E - Lo$168,002$180,642 Table 1 – Wages that gain less under the flat rate Table 2 – High wage gain after 4 years ($12,640)
Motion Expresses its confidence in its bargaining team to continue to negotiate for a new enterprise agreement; and authorises the bargaining team to take whatever steps considered necessary to achieve that end, including the cancellation or revision of the Open Day protest action previously authorised by members.