Explorers of Early Canada
Waves of Immigration People Arrival Reason for coming to Canada First Nations 20-16,000 years ago To hunt, farm, and fish Inuit 5,000 years ago To hunt and fish Vikings 1000 years ago To hunt and find new land English 1497 To fish French 1534 To hunt, farm, trade furs Chinese 1870 To build the railroad Other Europeans 1885-1910 To farm People from elsewhere Present Freedom to start a new life
The Vikings First Europeans to arrive, around 1000 CE Led by Leif Ericson from Sweden Fights with local aboriginals caused Vikings to leave after one year.
Constantin-NOPE! In 1453, the Ottomans took over Constantinople Constantinople was an important city for trade, because it was where Europe met Asia The Ottomans wouldn’t let Europeans travel through here anymore, so they needed a new way to get to Asia
Christopher Columbus Sailed West from Europe to find a way to India. Arrived in North America in 1492 instead. After he came back to Europe, many explorers followed him
Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot) Italian navigator and explorer hired by England to sail to the New World in 1497 First European other than Vikings to reach what is now Canada Claimed Newfoundland for England Found a lot of cod fish in the Grand Banks, a resource that would pull a lot of Europeans to North America
Jacques Cartier First French explorer of Canada Arrived in 1534, sailed along the St Lawrence River, trying to find the Northwest Passage First to use name Canada, after a mistranslation of Iroquois word for village: “Kanata” Created alliance with First Nations people and began trading for furs.
Henry Hudson Explored and mapped much of the Northeast of Canada, in 1610 Tried to find a path to China through the northeast and northwest Explored the Hudson River (it was named after him) Found Hudson Strait and Hudson Bay while looking for northwest passage. In James Bay in 1611, he wanted to keep going west, but his crew mutinied and kicked him off the boat.
Samuel de Champlain Most important French explorer of Canada. Was a cartographer and soldier Helped to found the colony of Acadia (Nova Scotia) and the colony of Quebec in 1608 Called “Father of New France” Created first fur trading company: “The Company of 100 Associates”
La Vérendrye Was a military officer, fur trader and explorer First to explore and map much of the interior of Canada in the 173os Wanted to find a way to the Pacific, and got as far as the Rockies