You can buy on the web with low prices like video games and even computers and laptop and phone’s.
You can use eBay and it is another good one I am going to start using it.
All you need is a credit card and a address and you are reedy to buy.
The shops as we know them will be almost obsolete.
You can now pay the bank online and you can check how much did you spend.
Your money will be fine it has a lot of security.
It is mach easier then going your self to the bank.
It is friendly to the environment because with e banking they use less paper.
The only disadvantage is that e banking can make us all lazy as we only sit in front of a computer. But one can always use the free time to exercise.
With E-government one can communicate with various government departments without going physically there.
With e-government I can check all the past papers of every subject I learn at school.
With e-government I can pay my electricity bill.
With e-government I can watch the main points of the budget.
With e-government I can order my birth certificate and other documents which I may need.
With e-learning I can visit WITH e-learning and I can learn without going school.
With e-learning I can play educational games which I enjoy and learn at the same time.
With e-learning I can be sick at home and still watch from my computer the lessons conducted at school.
With e-learning, when I grow up, I can take a university degree online and even have a video conference international library and also read books online.