Why might a teacher use the following assessment types? formative summative initial ipsative norm referenced criterion based
Use the table to describe the assessment methods and evaluate them (strengths and weaknesses) in terms of meeting learner’s needs. Pick a learner need for each one to help you focus
1 self assessment activity 1 peer assessment activity To produce evidence for this task you will need to write about a paragraph describing the activity you have designed. Be prepared to share with the class 20 minutes
Their course timetable Student handbook Assignment brief Schedule The intranet/Moodle/VLE Open days/pre course info Tutors Noticeboards/posters Information, advice and guidance sessions Careers advisor
What records?Why? Class work/assignments Risk assessment Statistics/marks Copies of exams Video evidence Markbook/tracking sheet Exam records Proof of ID Qualification certificates Educational ‘statements’ – shows extra help etc In case you miss the exam For awarding body requirements To show marks over time/trends and ‘show off’ the college For Internal verification (IV)/double marking/standardisation/modera tion For putting students in to correct tier of exam (Higher/foundation) To check progression Evidence for further courses/employers Make sure you had the right person in the exam! Making it clear who is entitled to extra time etc.
One to one tutorials Course reviews Microteach logistics etc!