PROTECTING YOUR EMPLOYEES IN PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCIES Conducting A SWOT Analysis Toolkit includes: Sample Facilitator Guidelines/Notes Sample Facilitator Questions Sample SWOT Analysis Charts
PROTECTING YOUR EMPLOYEES IN PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCIES Suggested Supplies – Tables & Chairs – sufficient quantities to support break out groups SWOT Analysis Charts/Display boards – – charts and display boards should be large enough to be seen by all participants to capture the results of the analysis – sample charts included in this presentation Writing Supplies – paper, pens, post-it notes Timekeeping mechanism Conducting A SWOT Analysis Facilitator Guidelines/Notes
PROTECTING YOUR EMPLOYEES IN PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCIES 1 State Objectives & Explain the Process Inform participants of the objective of the SWOT Analysis. In this scenario, participants are discussing how to enhance Closed POD recruiting and technical assistance by understanding commonalities and differences in various organizations. 2Organize Participants Recommend smaller groups, no more than 10 per group. Groups should designate a spokesperson. In addition to the lead facilitator, consider having co-facilitators assigned to each group to encourage discussion and keep participants on task. 3Ask Leading Questions Sample questions are provided. Tailor accordingly but ensure they prompt discussion and support the objective. 4 Establish Time Limits for Brainstorming Each Section Recommend 5-8 minutes per section. Do not allow time for participants to justify their response, just capture the response with a short phrase. Justification/analysis will come later in the process. 5Regroup & Respond Once all areas of the SWOT have been addressed, regroup to discuss the responses. Address each category of the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) separately. Each group should be prepared to provide the top 2-3 responses for their sector in each area of the SWOT. Do not elaborate on the responses at this point. Conducting A SWOT Analysis Facilitator Guidelines/Notes
PROTECTING YOUR EMPLOYEES IN PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCIES 5Regroup & Respond Lead facilitator considers the responses and determines where they fit on the supporting charts: Strengths and Weaknesses should be internal to the organization. Opportunities and Threats should be external to the organization. If more than two groups provide the same response, add it to the “commonalities” chart. If only one group provides a certain response, add it to that particular sector’s chart. 6 Discussion & Analysis: Exploit strengths & opportunities; mitigate weaknesses and threats Facilitators should encourage discussion that helps participants develop suggestions for using the strengths and opportunities to their advantage and developing strategies to overcome the challenges presented through the weaknesses and threats. 7Conclude Session Participants can use applicable information to tailor recruiting strategies and messages; and refine technical assistance methods when working with various Closed POD organizations. Conducting A SWOT Analysis Facilitator Guidelines/Notes
PROTECTING YOUR EMPLOYEES IN PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCIES Closed POD Planning Sample Facilitator Questions Conducting A SWOT Analysis
PROTECTING YOUR EMPLOYEES IN PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCIES Conducting A SWOT Analysis Strengths: 1) What advantages does your public health agency have that would impact an organization’s decision to become a Closed POD? 2) What advantages does this sector have in being a Closed POD? 3) What do you do better than anyone else? 4) What do they do better than anyone else? 5) What unique resources * do you have access to? 6) What unique resources * do they have access to? 7) What are the advantages of Closed POD program? Sample Facilitator Questions * Examples of Resources = assets, skills, experiences, processes, people, funding, data
PROTECTING YOUR EMPLOYEES IN PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCIES Conducting A SWOT Analysis Sample Facilitator Questions Weaknesses: 1) What disadvantages does your public health agency have that would impact an organization’s decision to become a Closed POD? 2) What real or perceived reasons could there be for not using this sector as a Closed POD? 3) What real or perceived reasons could impact this sector’s decision to become a Closed POD? 4) What resources * are you lacking? 5) What resources * are they lacking? 6) What are the disadvantages of the Closed POD program? * Example of Resources = assets, skills, experiences, processes, people, funding, data
PROTECTING YOUR EMPLOYEES IN PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCIES Opportunities: 1) What interesting external trends are you aware of that may impact Closed POD planning? 2) What changes are occurring or are needed in your jurisdiction to support the program or participation in the program? Consider the following: Technology Legislation Socio-cultural 3) How can you capitalize on previous relationships that may be established between other programs in your health department and organizations within the various sectors? Conducting A SWOT Analysis Sample Facilitator Questions
PROTECTING YOUR EMPLOYEES IN PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCIES Threats: 1) What external factors are you aware of that may impact your ability to recruit or provide technical assistance Closed PODs? 2) What external factors are you aware of that may impact your ability to incorporate or manage the operations of Closed PODs in your dispensing strategy during an emergency? 3) Are you aware of partnerships between your health department and organizations within the sectors that may have produced poor outcomes that may impact your ability to form a partnership? 4) Are you aware of a lack of strong leadership or support from political leaders, preparedness partners, or other influencing agencies? Conducting A SWOT Analysis Sample Facilitator Questions
PROTECTING YOUR EMPLOYEES IN PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCIES Closed POD Planning Sample Charts (pick best for you) Conducting A SWOT Analysis
Strengths: Weaknesses: Opportunities: Threats:
Strengths: Weaknesses: Opportunities: Threats:
Strengths: Weaknesses: Opportunities: Threats:
Strengths: Weaknesses: Opportunities: Threats:
Strengths: Weaknesses: Opportunities: Threats:
Strengths: Weaknesses: Opportunities: Threats:
PROTECTING YOUR EMPLOYEES IN PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCIES Contact Information Name: Contact Info If you are comfortable with it, please share the results of your SWOT Analysis: