1 Serving the World
2 Be part of the United Nations Does making a difference in the world motivate you? Are you driven to be a part of a bigger purpose in the service of humanity? Are you the type of person who will travel to and work anywhere at a moment’s notice? Do you thrive in an environment that: o is truly international and multi-cultural? o respects and promotes diversity? o functions at its best through team efforts?
3 Who we are
4 We are international civil servants. Our work o touches lives in every corner of the globe o is complex and multifaceted o extends directly and indirectly to our 192 Member States. In the last decade, the United Nations has increased its field-based operations Over 50 per cent of our 44,000 staff work in field locations all over the world Over 100,000 personnel in 16 peacekeeping and 11 political missions
6 Where we are
7 Main Secretariat duty stations and tribunals Geneva UNOG, UNCTAD, OHCHR, ECE, OCHA Nairobi UNON,UNEP, UN-Habitat New York UN Headquarters Vienna UNOV, UNODC Addis Ababa ECA Bangkok ESCAP Beirut ESCWA Santiago ECLAC The Hague ICTY Arusha ICTR
8 Peacekeeping operations
9 What can you do at the United Nations?
10 Types of Jobs Audit Administrators Aviation Cartography Conference and Language Staff Drug Control & Crime Prevention Demographics Economic Affairs Electoral Affairs Engineering Information and Communications Technology Information Management Library Science Logistics Procurement Medical Programme/Project Management Security Humanitarian Affairs Human Rights Legal Affairs Political Affairs Public Administration Public Information, Radio & TV Rule of Law Social Affairs Statistics
11 What are the career options?
12 Starting Points Internationally-Recruited o Individual /Generic Vacancy for Professional and Field Service jobs o Language Competitive Examination o Young Professional Programme (YPP) Recruitment Examination o Associate Expert Programme (JPO/AE) Locally-Recruited o National Professional Officer o General Service Temporary o Temporary professional and general service staff o Individual/Institutional Consultants/Contractors Other o Internship Programme o United Nations Volunteers (UNV) (unvolunteers.org)
13 Professional jobs (Minimum experience) Experience requirements after obtaining your degree: o P-2 = YPP or Language recruitment examination or 2 years without exam o P-3 = 5 years o P-4 = 7 years o P-5 = 10 years o D-1/D-2 = 15 years
14 Young Professional Programme (YPP) Recruitment Examination
15 Young Professional Programme (YPP) Recruitment Examination Entry level (P-2): filled through competitive examinations Held annually based on a country’s representation among staff YPP applicants must be: o National of participating Member State o No more than 32 years old as of 31 December of exam year o Hold at least a first-level university degree relevant to an occupationl group offered o Proficient in either English or French For more information :
16 Language examinations
17 Language examination Areas Translators Editors Verbatim reporters Proofreaders Interpreters Six Official Languages Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
18 Language examination Based on the needs of the United Nations All language staff must pass the applicable examination Language staff hired from the roster at the entry level (P-2) [average number of candidates placed on the roster in last 10 years: 100] Eligibility and requirements o Hold at least a first-level university degree [For the Interpreters: First University degree plus 200 days of experience in language field or degree in interpretation] o Interpret or translate from two official languages into main language o No more than 55 years old as of 31 December of exam year For more information :
Associate expert programme/JPO
Offers graduates opportunity to acquire professional experience Bilateral agreements between the UN and donor countries (23 countries) Duration: 2 years For more information contact your Ministry of Foreign Affairs -> Associate expert programme
UN Department of Security and Safety UNDSS Role: protect UN personnel and facilities around the world from violence and threats from armed conflict, terrorism, kidnapping, banditry, harassment and intimidation Basic Facts: o touches lives in every corner of the globe o UNDSS provides worldwide security leadership for the UN System with presence in 133 countries o Information is key to provision of security for global field operations o Policies and procedures are based on risk analysis, not risk avoidance
UN DSS Types and Specializations Types Security Adviser Security Coordination Officer Security Officer Personal Protection Officer Security Information Analyst Security Operations Officer Training Officer Specializations Security Operations Emergency Response Crisis Management Physical Security Close Protection Fire Safety Hazardous Materials Aviation Safety Investigations Canine Unit Compliance
UN DSS Staffing Headquarters : 140 HQ Security Operations: 1,600 Field Posts: –International Professional305 –National Staff398 Peacekeeping Missions (Civilian Security) –International Professional220 –International Field Service1,275 –National Staff2,565
UN DSS Global Deployment
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) The mission: mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors in order to: Alleviate human suffering in disasters and emergencies Advocate the rights of people in need Promote preparedness and prevention Facilitate sustainable solutions
OCHA Typical functions: Humanitarian Affairs Officer Information Management Officer Public Information Officer Typical profiles: Well-rounded humanitarian experience in coordinating aid in complex emergencies and natural disasters Experience in working in the field, including in difficult and sometimes potentially insecure places Excellent inter-personal skills Need to deploy staff members within 30 to 40 days to effectively play leadership role in coordinating humanitarian assistance
28 Internship programme
29 Internship programme Offers opportunity to familiarize yourself with the United Nations Unpaid and full-time Requirements: o Enrolled in graduate school or equivalent o Duration: minimum 2 months, up to 6 months Apply to the duty station of choice For more information :
30 Temporary Staff Consultants and Contractors
31 Temporary Staff Consultants and Contractors Temporary Staff Individuals hired to fill positions a period of less than one year to meet seasonal or peak workloads and specific short-term requirements Individual Consultants individual who is a recognized authority or specialist in a specific field, engaged in an advisory or consultative capacity Individual Contractors individual engaged from time to time to provide expertise, skills or knowledge for the performance of a specific task or piece of work against payment of an all-inclusive fee Institutional Contracts Potential Vendor Must register on line with the United Nations Procurement Division at: Registered Vendors are informed of possibilities to bid on contracts Offers opportunity to familiarize yourself with the United Nations Institutional contractors may later apply to become staff or consultants
32 Pay and benefits
33 Pay and Benefits Competitive Salaries Annual & Sick Leave Home Leave Maternity & Paternity Leave Education Grant & Travel Rental Subsidy Defined-benefits Pension at age 62 Health Insurance Installation & Shipment & Repatriation Pay for Additional Official Language Mobility and Hardship Pay Rest and Recuperation (peacekeeping missions) Mentoring Programme for New Staff Development & Learning opportunities
35 We are looking for people with integrity, who are fair and impartial. We need dynamic and adaptable professionals who think creatively and are proactive, flexible and responsive. If you embody these values, the United Nations is the place for you.
36 Gracias Merci ﺷﻜﺮﺍ ﹰ 谢谢 Thank You Спасибо