+ Motion Graphics Ashake Oredein
+ Film Title =lXP9FErwOto A short film title in motion graphics – looks like they’ve taken pictures from clip art and made it motion so it can move and have action.
+ Tv show om/watch?v=ud7x- Frsa0Y Taking a steel image on a moving background and looks like the images are moving
+ TV Adverts VN70yyZrwN2qaVu__IQlirfzyqn6R&index=2 VN70yyZrwN2qaVu__IQlirfzyqn6R&index=2 The motion graphics in the advert when the women opens the laptop and it shows what activities the women is doing on the laptop so we can see. The motion graphics was created in after effects.
+ Music Video The music video of Kanye West was created behind a green screen with him in a separate room and the actors in the video in another green screen room. Then all of the green screen room action was put together with some motion graphics.