Pleural Effusion
Pleural Effusion-Definition it is an abnormal collection of fluid in the pleural space resulting from excess fluid production or decreased absorption. It is the most common manifestation of pleural disease, with etiologies ranging from cardiopulmonary disorders to symptomatic inflammatory or malignant diseases.
Pleural Effusion The prevalence of pleural effusion is slightly in excess of 400/100 000 population. Approximately 1.5 million pleural effusions are diagnosed in the United States each year.
Pleural Effusion-Causes Transudative Exudative Unilateral Bilateral
Transudative Causes Conditions associated with transudative pleural effusions: Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Hepatic cirrhosis Hypoproteinemia Nephrotic syndrome Acute atelectasis Myxedema Peritoneal dialysis Meig's syndrome Obstructive uropathy
Exudative causes Conditions associated with exudative pleural effusions: Malignancy Infection Trauma Pulmonary infarction Pulmonary embolism Autoimmune disorders Pancreatitis Rheumatoid Pleurisy Drug-induced Lupus Tuberculosis
Pleural Effusion-Pathophysiology
Pleural Effusion-Diagnosis History Physical Examination X-ray Chest Ultrasonography CT Scan Thoracocentesis (Diagnostic) Pleural Biopsy
Pleural Effusion-History Dyspnea Cough Chest pain Weakness Fever Weight loss Hemoptysis History of trauma, cardiac surgery, cancers
Pleural Effusion-Physical Examination Clinically detectable when more than 500 ml Inspection Palpation Chest expansion and excursion Tactile fremitus Percussion Auscultation Breath sounds Vocal fremitus
Pleural Effusion- Xray Chest
Peural effusion Ultrasonography & Tomography
Pleural Effusion Diagnostic Thoracocentesis
Pleural Effusion Diagnostic Thoracocentesis Colour and gross appearance
Pleural Effusion Diagnostic Thoracocentesis Colour Biochemical Analysis Protein Glucose LDH Microbiology Gram Staining ZN Staining
Pleural Effusion Diagnostic Thoracocentesis Cytology TLC DLC Malignant cytology Culture & Sensitivity Bacterial Mycobacterial Fungal
Pleural Biopsy
Pleural Effusion-Treatment Treat the cause Diuretics Antibiotics Albumin Corticosteroids Anti-inflammatory agents Immunosuppressants
Treat the cause Malignancy Infection Trauma Pulmonary infarction & Embolism Pancreatitis Rheumatoid Pleurisy Tuberculosis
Treat the cause Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Cirrhosis Hypoproteinemia Nephrotic syndrome Myxedema
Thoracocentesis From Greek, thorax + centesis, puncture) also known as pleural tap, It is an invasive procedure to remove fluid or air from the pleural space for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. A cannula, or hollow needle, is carefully introduced into the thorax, generally after administration of local anesthesia. The procedure was first described in 1852. The recommended location varies. midaxillary line, in the eighth, ninth, or tenth intercostal space. Whenever possible, the procedure should be performed under ultrasound guidance, which has shown to reduce complications.
Therapeutic Thoracocentesis
Therapeutic Thoracocentesis
Precautions-thoracocentesis Pain free Proper position and posture Selection of exact location to be punctured Bleeding profile Amount of fluid to be taken out Post procedure precautions
Thoracocentesis Contraindications An uncooperative patient Coagulation disorder Relative contraindications include cases in which the site of insertion has known emphysema Patient is on mechanical ventilation Only one functioning lung
Thoracocentesis Complications Pneumothorax Hemothorax Hemopneumothorax Hypotension Pulmonary edema Minor complications include: A dry tap (no fluid return) Subcutaneous hematoma or seroma Anxiety, Dyspnea and cough The use of ultrasound for needle guidance can minimize the complication rate.