Welcome to RICHLUND & Associates “Technology Toolbox”
How Can Our Technology Toolbox Accelerate Your Equipment Sales? Keeps Sales and Management “in the loop” with real time access to all transactions through our Status Management Tools. This is a valuable resource for any sales distribution network! Keeps Sales and Management “in the loop” with real time access to all transactions through our Status Management Tools. This is a valuable resource for any sales distribution network! Captures and stores ALL Sales Information for ongoing marketing, prospecting, and reporting through our Data Management Tools. Captures and stores ALL Sales Information for ongoing marketing, prospecting, and reporting through our Data Management Tools. Accelerates the Sales Cycle with fast credit decisions and eliminates your commercial clients need to find outside capital to purchase YOUR equipment. (Minimum amount to finance is $5,000) Empowers your Sales Force with RESULTS PROVEN Technology and can increase sales & revenues PROVEN Technology and can increase sales & revenues
Why the Technology Toolbox Works Each sales rep is provided immediate access to online quotes, proposals, credit decisions, documents and real time status on their clients. Each sales rep is provided immediate access to online quotes, proposals, credit decisions, documents and real time status on their clients. Our market dominating plans enable your sales force to Cross Sell, Up-Sell and Reduce Processing Time to SELL MORE…and SELL IT SOONER Our market dominating plans enable your sales force to Cross Sell, Up-Sell and Reduce Processing Time to SELL MORE…and SELL IT SOONER Our Data Manager provides Company Management with Reporting Tools for analysis, which allows you to proactively control your leasing program. Our Data Manager provides Company Management with Reporting Tools for analysis, which allows you to proactively control your leasing program. Valuable Data on each and every prospect and client is captured through secure, internet connection and available to you at all times. Valuable Data on each and every prospect and client is captured through secure, internet connection and available to you at all times.
Use Our Technology Toolbox To Control Your Sale From Start to Finish Overcome cost related objections & shorten the selling window by offering “Time Payments.” Overcome cost related objections & shorten the selling window by offering “Time Payments.” Seamlessly link to your private branded finance pages directly from your own website. Seamlessly link to your private branded finance pages directly from your own website. Sales Reps have easy, online access to your custom designed credit application and lease payment calculator. Sales Reps have easy, online access to your custom designed credit application and lease payment calculator. Customers visiting your website have easy access to your custom tailored credit application and lease quote generator. Customers visiting your website have easy access to your custom tailored credit application and lease quote generator.
Training and Support Phone support Monday through Friday 7:30 to 5:00 Central Time Phone support Monday through Friday 7:30 to 5:00 Central Time Automated Support for Technical and Marketing Issues 24/7 Automated Support for Technical and Marketing Issues 24/7 Training and Marketing Support for Trade Shows and National Meetings. Training and Marketing Support for Trade Shows and National Meetings. Remote Training of All Vendor Sales Reps Remote Training of All Vendor Sales Reps Attractive payment plans for New and Used Equipment (seasonal, skip and delayed payments available) Attractive payment plans for New and Used Equipment (seasonal, skip and delayed payments available) Best of all, we provide this SERVICE free to you! Best of all, we provide this SERVICE free to you!
For more information and a full demonstration of our Technology Toolbox, of our Technology Toolbox, Please Contact our Home Office at Ask for our National Vendor Accounts Department Or us at: Thanks for the Opportunity to Help You Attain Your Sales Growth Objectives. We Look Forward to Working With You!