Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) Educational Programs and Services Offered Abroad by Canadian Colleges: Key results from a national survey supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) Dominique Van de Maele, International Partnerships
Context and Objectives Joint effort between ACCC and AUCC funded by International Education and Youth Division of DFAIT To gather information from post-secondary institutions on the education programs and services they offer abroad to non-Canadians primarily in Information to be the basis for inventory posted on Edu-Canada international education marketing website To better promote Canadian educational programs and services on international scene
Methodology Four-part questionnaire launched to 111 colleges across Canada from May to September % response rate (85 out of 111 colleges) Of those 85, 52 provided detailed information as follows: -23 on their programs offered abroad; -12 on their services offered abroad; and -17 on their distance education programs. All data for academic year
Economic Impact Average 2.55 full time equivalent, non teaching positions per institution developed or dedicated to directly supporting activities related to provision of educational programs and services abroad (PEPSA) Estimated range of total revenue generated by PEPSA in institution (out of 69 respondents): % = < $1,000 (incl. Zéro) % = $50,000 to $100, ,1% = inception stage, no revenue - 15,9% = information not available
Summary of Numbers of Colleges reporting, Numbers of Programs /Services, Numbers of Students Enrolled Number of Colleges reporting Number of programs services Number of students enrolled Educational programs offered abroad231109,854 Educational services offered abroad12521,800 Distance education (available to students living abroad) Total ,137 Students
Countries where programs and services are offered Location provided for 83 programs/services Over 50% of 83 = China India follows at 13.3%
Fields of study Number of programs, services and distance education in various fields of study
Infrastructure Preferred approach for supporting PEPSA = institutional partnership supporting infrastructure identified for 50 programs as follows:
Academic Awards Academic awards specified for 52 programs All but 4 at undergraduate level 25 or 48% = undergraduate certificate or diploma 4 or 7.7% = Undergraduate degrees 4 or 7.7% = graduate certificates/diplomas 3 or 5.8% = continuing education (for credit)
Funding educational programs: –Financial support identified for 69 programs –80% of those 69: students financed their own studies –15% of 69: studies funded by the host country government through scholarships; –11% of 69: studies funded by private sector educational services: –Note: majority of services involved customized training for specific clients and consultancies. –Financial support identified for 52 services; –50% of those 52: Canadian government support; –38% of 52: support from private sector; –29% of 52: support from the host country government
Quality Assurance in Canada Information on assurance policies and practices in Canada provided for 52 programs: –100% follow requirements of Canadian colleges’ general policies and practices –94% have specific mechanisms or procedures guiding the provision of education abroad –28% follow specific mechanisms or procedures of relevant professional bodies (ex: Canadian Engineering Accredition Board)
Quality Assurance in host (foreign) countries Information on assurance policies and practices in host countries provided for 51 programs. –96% follow policies and practices of the host country –80% indicated specific mechanisms or procedures guiding provision of education are in place at host institution –86% follow specific policies and paractices governing cross-border education by the host country national or regional government
Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) THANK YOU