1 There are many activities in Well Engineering that involve Working at Height ! An unprotected Fall from a height as low as 1.5 meters can beFATAL
2 A supervisor stood on a truck while it was being loaded, a spool rolled towards him, he stepped backward and fell to the ground Use the TOOLBOX TALK this is what it’s for ! Working at height ! Responsibilities/Supervision HAZARDS
3 Think before you act: What could happen if I slip ? How could I do this job safely ? He tripped and fell backwards, striking his head on the ground ! Before you start work,Think & Check: Is there a danger of falling ? Working at height ! Guiding a rod into a basket - walking backwards !
4 Working at height, with a harness, but not using it ! Use STOP Observation & TOOLBOX TALK this is what they are for ! Personal Protective Equipment HAZARDS Worksite Environment Working at height ! Procedures not followed Personnel Protective Equipment This Derrickman fell 4.3 m, he was lucky he wasn’t killed !
5 A man stood on a container bracket to free a snagged lifting sling ! He slipped, fell and broke his wrist! Think not about how you can do the job, Think how you can do the job SAFELY UNSAFE PRACTISE STOP ! Why does he need to climb on this container ? What should he have done ? Did he save any time ? Why didn’t someone say STOP ? Working at height !
6 Improper use + poorly maintained equipment = Injury A man used this ladder alone and unsecured. How to make an incident: 1. Take four separate ingredients - unsecured ladder, smooth surface, poorly maintained equipment & one person ! 2. Bring ingredients together at well site and mix well ! The base of the ladder slipped on the smooth surface, the man fell and struck his head Working at height ! Ingredients for an incident !
7 Are there Ingredients for an incident at your location ? Are Harnesses in bad condition ? Are there any high work areas that are “Unrailed” ? Is there unnecessary use of ladders ? Do YOU check fall arresters before you use them ? Discuss the falling from height Incidents presented here and those that have happened at your location. Working at height !
8 Discuss: What YOU can do to make your workplace a safer place. Some Suggestions: Inspect YOUR fall protection equipment TODAY and if required, repair or replace them. Make sure ALL fall arresters on your site are included in your Inspection Programmes. DO NOT work at height without fall protection. Don’t look the other way STOP all unsafe work. Never use a ladder unless it is fixed or held. Working at height !
9 The incidents presented are only a few of the incidents that have occurred in Well Engineering - there are many more ! Remember if you fall from a height of 1.5 m you could be Seriously Injured or Killed Working at height !
10 If you think the work is unsafe STOPTHEJOB Look after yourself Look after yourself Look after the people around you Look after the people around you Working at height !
11 Look after yourself Look after yourself Look after the people around you Look after the people around you The fall won’t hurt, but the sudden stop will !