Click here to start Welcome to the demo of the MyNTR Portal. NTR participants received a username and password to log in but you can start the demo by clicking on ‘Aanmelden’. For the best demo, please use the slide show by pressing F5 or the icon.
Start screen This is the start screen which is divided into three sections: ‘My reports’, ‘My research’ and ‘My Questionnaires’. In each section the two most recently uploaded documents are shown. Click on ‘My reports’ in the menu bar to get a complete overview of all reports.
My Reports My reports contains an overview of the personal reports for a participant. These reports compare personal scores with average scores of other NTR participants. Click ‘Spanningsbehoefte’ (Dutch for Sensation seeking) or the icon to open an example report.
My Reports – Sensation Seeking Here a short description of the content of the report is shown. This report is about sensation seeking. Participants have the opportunity now to go back or to open the report. Click on the link to open the report.
My Reports – Sensation Seeking To My Reports The report is shown in a new tab and can be printed or saved as a PDF file. This report explains sensation seeking and compares the personal score of a participant with the average score of NTR participants from the same age and sex for each time a questionnaire was completed. Click the arrow to go to my reports.
My Reports You are back at My reports. Click on ‘My research’ on the menu bar to get an overview of all research projects.
My Research My research gives an overview of research projects a participant was involved in. Additional information is given, e.g. publications based on this research. Open Migraine research now by clicking on ‘Migraine’ or the icon.
My Research - Migraine Here an overview is shown about migraine research. A description of the research project is given and publications based on this research are shown. On the right, additional documents are shown, such as interviews with the researchers or news paper articles. Click now on the last publication title to open it.
My Research - Migraine Participants get a brief outline of the study and its results. Click on the link below to open the publication in a new tab.
My Research - Migraine To My Research The publication is shown in a new tab and can be printed or saved as a PDF file. Click the arrow to go to My Research.
My Research You are back at My research. Click on ‘My questionnaires’ in the menu bar to get an overview of questionnaires the participant completed.
My Questionnaires My questionnaires shows an overview of questionnaires completed by a participant as well as any open research invitations. Click on ‘Vragenlijst 6’ (Dutch for Questionnaire 6) or the icon to get more information.
My Questionnaires – Questionnaire 6 The content of questionnaire 6 and the number of participants who completed it are shown. In addition, links are provided to PhD theses which are based on this questionnaire. Click ‘Terug’ (Dutch for back) to return to My Questionnaires.
My Questionnaires There is also an open invitation for questionnaire 10. Click on the title of the questionnaire invitation or the icon.
My Questionnaires – Invitation for Questionnaire 10 The participant can receive more information here on the survey and is offered the opportunity to complete the survey via the link. Click ‘Terug’ (Dutch for Back) to go back to My Questionnaires.
My Questionnaires You returned to My questionnaires. Now click on ‘My data’ now.
My data At My data participants can adjust their login details and can inform the NTR of changes in postal and address. No address information is stored at the portal servers. Now click on ‘More information’.
More information At More information an overview is given of frequently asked questions, information about the Netherlands Twin Register (NTR), information about BBMRI (enabled the development of the NTR Portal, with technical input from Aexist) and a disclaimer. Now click on ‘Uitloggen’ (Dutch for ‘log out’).
Thanks for your time! The End This ends your tour through the MyNTR portal. For any questions or comments, please contact us at