Akelina Malika 9A form school № 1425


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Presentation transcript:

Akelina Malika 9A form school № 1425 British schools Akelina Malika 9A form school № 1425

A brief history of British school education School education of Great Britain has a centuries-old history, which puts out roots in the far past. Even in the sixth century A.D. the church began to organize schools for teaching the next priests. Later appeared secular schools where boys studied a grammar. The system of state schools began to take shape in the second half of 19 century.

In 1944 in Great Britain was introduced compulsory primary and secondary education. In accordance with the law all British children in age from 5 to 16 years old should receive secondary education.

State schools . There are about 34 thousand state schools in Great Britain. Eight and half million children study there. Education in state schools is free of pay.

Private schools There are about two and a half thousand private schools in Great Britain. More than one half million children study there. The education in these schools is paying.

In private schools teachers give personal attention to each pupil In private schools teachers give personal attention to each pupil. There are different clubs of interest and sport sections.

School year In Great Britain school year lasts 38 weeks School year In Great Britain school year lasts 38 weeks. It has three terms: Michaelmas Term, Lent Term and Summer Term. They are separated by vacations: Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays. There is one week interval in each term. School week lasts usually 5 days. School day begins at 9 o`clock and comes to end at 15 o`clock.

School uniform All pupils in Great Britain ought to wear a school uniform. It is an old good tradition in the country. School uniform was introduced in state scale during governing of the King Henry the Eight.

A boy`s uniform consists of a coat, a cap, a jacket, a pullover, a trousers, a shirt, a tie. A girl`s uniform consists of a coat, a hat, a jacket, a skirt, a blouse, a tie. Each school has its own set of uniform. Children may wear their uniform in different combinations.

Wearing a school uniform helps pupils to keep up a discipline, to smooth away a race and social difference between them, makes children to be more serious and to look business-like.

Stages of school education in Great Britain Primary schools In England and Wales children begin to go to infant department of primary school at age of 5 years old, in Scotland and North Ireland – at age of 4.

At infant school children start to read, to write and to count At infant school children start to read, to write and to count. They draw pictures, sing songs, listen stories and tales, play games and have a simple sport practice. They don`t get marks and have no exams.

At age of 7 children leave infant department and come to junior one of primary school. Children learn to write, to read and to do math. They study many new subjects such as History, Geography, Art, Music, Computing and others.

They begin to go in sport more active, organize school sport commands, take part in competitions. At age of 11 years old pupils pass Common Entrance Examination and go to secondary school.

Secondary schools In England, Wales and North Ireland children begin to study at secondary school in age of 11 years old, in Scotland – at 12. There are three types of secondary schools in Great Britain: - comprehensive schools; - grammar schools, which provide pupils an academic education oriented to university entry; - secondary modern schools with professional orientation.

At age of 16 years old all British pupils finish their school education by passing exams for GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education).

Sixth form This two-year education is chosen by children who take a decision to enter university after getting GCSE. They pass exams for GSE/A Level and may become a bachelor continuing their education in university.

Basic approach of British education is to develop active, independent, creative thinking and high self-esteem in all children.

Quality of British education is considered to be unbreakable all over the world.