Mobile security application for SignSupport Protecting a Deaf person’s medical information that is stored on a mobile SD card Student: Lindokuhle Duma Supervisor name: Prof. Tucker
SignSupport Mobile Application Developed by Michael Motlhabi (UWC Masters student)
SignSupport security flaws
User requirements Unreadable by intruders Confidential Authentication
Automatic encryption as a solution Platform independent. Encrypted data cannot be read until decrypted. Decrypted fileEncrypted file
Automatic Encryption Process Fewer CPU cycles Less battery power ReadEncryptSaveDecrypt
Tools to be used Android platform Java programming language Samsung galaxy S2
Project plan TermsTask Term1 (UR and RA) Find SignSupport security flaws Find other mobile security flaws that might affect SignSupport Verify profound security flaws Summarize user requirements in power point Propose "password + encryption" as a possible solution Write a UR and RA report and prepare a presentation Term2 (Modeling and design) Create an abuse-case diagram Create a story board and use-case diagram Design several encryption algorithms Verify designs against user requirements Produce pseudo code for designs Write a report and prepare a presentation Term3 Construction Term4 Testing
Thank you
Related work Password protection Token authentication Biometric authentication Controlling user behaviour
Image References Encrypted/Decrypted files Android platform: Java programming language: Samsung Galaxy S2: Question :