Fronts and Mid-latitude Cyclones Chapter 9 Meteorology 1010 Professor Bunds Utah Valley University
Fronts A front is a boundary between two air masses (of different densities) 2 main types, named based on which air mass is moving into the other: –Warm front; warm air pushes into and over colder air –Cold front; cold air pushes into and under warmer air
Warm Front Gently sloped boundary; gentle, long-lasting precip
Cold Front Steeply sloped boundary; intense, short-lived precip. (thunderstorms common)
Occluded Fronts More common
Midlatitude Cyclone
Formation of an Occlusion
Life of a Midlatitiude Cyclone
Weather of a Midlatitude Cyclone
Conditions Aloft Surface Conditions
Storm Tracks
Storm of the Century