Ch 1 Trivia
4 pts ___________________ provides new cells for growth and repair in addition to creating gametes reproduction
2 pts Tissues combine to form ______________ such as the heart or brain. Organs
6 pts What basic life function means an organism will react to changes in the immediate environment? responsiveness
2 pts What is the name for the study of the internal and external structures and the relationships between body parts? Anatomy
4 pts What are all of the chemical reactions in the body are referred to as? metabolism
4 pts The thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities are the subdivisions of which body region? Ventral
2 pts ________________ are the smallest unit of life. Cells
4 pts Kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra are the organs that make up which body system? Urinary
2 pts The head is referred to as which body cavity? Cranial
6 pts Which body cavity has no bony support? Abdominal
2 pts What is the term for the armpit area? Axillary
10 pts List the 6 levels of organization in order from simplest to most complex. Atom, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
2 pts This necessary element is necessary for normal operation of the respiratory system. Oxygen
6 pts Which bone would you find intermediate to the breastbone and shoulder? Clavicle (collar bone)
2 pts Which directional term refers to a body part that is toward the head? superior
10 pts Name 3 structures (bones or organs) that lie anterior to the spinal cord in the thoracic cavity. Sternum, rib cage, heart, lungs, diaphragm
6 pts This “organ” is found as both an accessory structure to the digestive system and the endocrine system. Pancreas
10 pts List the 9 abdominopelvic regions. R/L hypochondriac, R/L lumbar, R/L iliac, epigastric, umbilical, hypogastric
4 pts What is the anterior aspect of the elbow called? antecubital
6 pts What term refers to the back of the head? Occipital
4 pts What region of the leg is distal to the femur but proximal to the tibia (shin bone)? Patella ( knee cap)
4 pts A plane that lies at right angles to the long axis of the body that separates it into superior and inferior portions is known as which body plane? Transverse
2 pts What is the back area from the ribs to the hips called? Lumbar
10 pts List 3 regional terms that refer to somewhere on the leg. Femoral, patellar, popliteal, sural, calcaneal, tarsal, digital