By keagan Regner
Evangelista Toricelle is credited with inventing the barometer in Gasparo Berti built a water barometer between 1640 and It measures air pressure.
On the Tower of the Winds on the ancient Roman agora in Athens there was a wind vane in about 50 BC. The weather vane shows the direction of the wind.
Thermometer In 1724 Daniel Fahrenheit invented the mercury thermometer. In 1742 Anders Celsius invented the Celsius thermometer. A thermometer measures the temperature.
Dr. John Robinson invented the anemometer in It was a four cup design. John Patterson developed the three cup version in The anemometer measures wind velocity.
The first records of rainfalls were kept by the ancient Greeks about 500 BC. The much later cheugugi of Korea was the world's first gauge, other sources say that Jang Yeong-sil developed or refined an existing gauge. The rain gauge measures the amount of precipitation.