O UTCOMES : List the indications for IM medication injections. Explain the principles of IM injections. Administer safely and implement preventative precautions. Perform patient assessment before procedure. Using the medication formula, determine correct dose. Maintain sterility during procedure. Complete documents correctly. 2
R EFRENCES : 3 Mulder, part 2. p. 445 Dosages for injections in workbook.
P RINCIPLES : Identification and allergies. Check medication and prescription chart 3 times. Date Drug Dose Time route 5 Golden rules. Select the correct size needle. Ensure area is clean and well lighted. Do not inject: Paralysis. Necrotic tissue. Skin allergy present Painful muscle Skin scars/moles or rash Inflammation Ask for assistance in children or incapacitated adult. Keep needles and syringes from view. 4
S TEPS : 5 1. Checks Medication for: Name Expiry date Cloudiness Colour change Sediment Strength 2. Planning 3. Preparing injection 4. Administration 5. Documentation
D ETERMINE INJECTION DOSE : Dose needed X Volume diluted in Dose in stock 1 = ml Practice: Prescribed: 100mg. You have 2 500mg in 5ml. 200mg. You have 2G in 10ml. 6
L INKS TO VIDEOS : z-technique Holding the syringe Area for injection &feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PL62D DFC0E8 8
QUESTIONS Please! Make an appointment with the clinical preceptor allocated to your clinic for the skill as soon as possible 9