21 st Annual Conference
Liquid and Hazardous Waste Management in Christchurch
The need for change Pollution incidents (to water and land) Consent conditions for treatment plants breached Poorly performing operators Good operators disadvantaged Leveling the playing field and forcing change is needed
How the Christchurch City Councils started down this path Existing Legislation Local Government Act 2002 Resource Management Act 1991 HSNO Act 1996 Land Transport Act 1998 Dangerous Goods Rule 2007 Health Act 1957 Building Act 2004 Health and Safety Act 1992 …..and others
How the Christchurch City Councils started down this path Questions on regulations, implementation and enforcement What works? What doesn’t? How to get the best system in place
How the Christchurch City Councils started down this path First step What does the legislation require? What options are there? o What systems are in place already? o How can we develop partnerships? o Who are the good operators? o Who are the poorly performing operators? o What can be done to improve performance? What are the costs of change?
How the Christchurch City Council started down this path Second step Review of the Trade Waste Bylaw New section included requirement for Code Compliant operators Requirement to use WasteTrack (started in July 2007) Approximately 16 operators on board
How the Christchurch City Council started down this path Third step Existing operator driven compliancy programme to work with the council and achieve lasting change A positive for the city and the industry Advantages for the Christchurch City Council Deadline of October set
The drive for Code Compliancy Establishing internal process at the Christchurch City Council with other councils departments Management buy-in Political buy-in Cross Council understanding Operations, pollution control, consents teams
The drive for Code Compliancy Working with the contractors to ensure acceptance Backing good operators Lead in times Looking for least cost model Information Working with auditors and the certification council
The drive for Code Compliancy How the Christchurch City Council sees it working Clearly stated council requirements Independent audit and certification Poor performers not allowed to operate Level playing field for good performers
The drive for Code Compliancy Advantages and disadvantages of the process o Costs on already good performers o Extra enforcement required initially o Pressure on Council politicians and staff from poor performers taken out of business o Good environmental outcomes o Lower costs for ratepayers in the long term o Better trade waste plant operation
Where to from here Next steps Rewarding and supporting good operators Enforcement for poorly performing operators Changing public attitudes to bad operators
21 st Annual Conference