Health & Wellness Can Improve Your Business Robin Lewis, Owner Fleet Feet Sports Roanoke
MAKE THE CONNECTION: Health, Fitness and Work Productivity Go Hand-in-Hand
higher work quality and better job performance fewer sick days
Cut Costs and Yield Big Benefits: 32% decrease in short-term sick leave 30% decrease in absenteeism 30% decrease in workers compensation and disability claims $6 savings for every $1 wellness investment Increased Morale Work Performance improves – more productivity Retention in employees improves Attract new employees
Need More Reasons?
Epidemic called the "Sitting Disease." Sitting is the New Smoking
Simple Remedies to help them: Stand Stretch Walk Drink Stairs
Win-Win for both the employer and the employee. NO MORE (DIE…Ts) Daily Life Changes
YOUR company can play an active role in improving the lives of your employees and your business.
1. Tailor your Wellness Program Overweight? High blood pressure? Chronic conditions? Or generally healthy?
2. What are your goals? Decrease absenteeism? Decrease worker’s compensation & disability claims? Increase productivity? Increase morale?
3. Be specific with your goals: Track health scores Track morale and productivity Be realistic. Be patient.
4. Communicate It! Brand it! Easy to understand Accessible
5. Support them! Support from the top down Provide resources Reinforce positive behavior changes Website page/bulletin board to share success stories
6. Budget for Success – It doesn’t have to cost a lot: Healthier food - cafeteria and vending machines Incentives/prizes for successes Subsidize gym memberships Large refillable water bottles
7. Make it Fun & Easy! Departmental challenges Easy on-site exercise choices Bring in instructors for exercise classes
YOU HAVE NO CHOICE IN TODAY’S WORLD… Concerned about the success of your company? Your team members?
Immediate Benefits: Message to your employees… YOU value THEIR health and well-being Unique and effective public relations tool
101 Low-cost Ideas for Worksite Wellness
Thank YOU! Robin Lewis, Owner Fleet Feet Sports Roanoke