Rodan Rodenberger aka Rhonda Berger CT&D Jellie Lane aka Janelle Fernandez Virtual College
Second Life is a 3-D virtual world entirely created by its Residents. Since opening to the public in 2003, it has grown explosively and today is inhabited by millions of residents from around the globe.
Social Interaction & Networking Businesses (Both in SL and real life) Government – NASA, NOAA Entrepreneurial endeavors Creative Arts (live music, etc.) Education – List of schoolsList of schools Prototyping Role-playing Buy & Sell objects like real life
Active Learning: ◦ An ideal platform for engaging students in creating their own learning activities, experiences and environments, and not just be passive consumers of learning. 3D virtual worlds can provide: ◦ Opportunities for rich sensory immersive experiences. ◦ Authentic contexts and activities for experiential learning, simulation and role-play.
Princeton University Central Piedmont College Sample Institutions
Educational Use Video Educational Use Video Ohio State University YouTube Ohio State University YouTube
English students at the University of Texas- Austin each picked a role model, created an avatar and assumed the role of the avatar for the activity. Among avatars: Malcolm X, Oprah, Mother Teresa, Bill Gates and Teddy Roosevelt. The students conducted conversations in the personae of their avatars.
The 3D virtual world "Second Life" is full of places to practice a foreign language - you can speak with real people all over the world. On the Avatar Languages web. You can click on a map to go directly to a country.Avatar Languages On the Avatar Languages web. You can click on a map to go directly to a country.Avatar Languages
Thousands of residents are making part or all of their real life income from their Second Life Businesses. – Linden Dollars Existing in-world companies also have Second Life presence – Cisco – IBM – MTV – Starwood Hotels – Sun Microsystems Holds press conferences in their “Sun Pavilion”
NESIMOR is a 3-D simulator that uses the online virtual of Second Life to practice diagnosing and treating patients in a simulated emergency department environment. It is currently being used to instruct nursing students at Tacoma Community College. Nursing Field Trip Nursing Field Trip
NOAA NASA Genome Project Video: Science Learning OpportunitiesScience Learning Opportunities History of the Earth and Life on Earth: Students in Chris Impey’s astrobiology course at the University of Arizona contributed to his History of the Earth and Life on Earth exhibit.
UC Davies – Schizophrenia Koolaid people - Creating Community/Exploring diversity Koolaid people - Creating Community/Exploring diversity Utopian Society Body Image Body Image Ethnic/Gender Studies
3D Modeling Galleries Contests The Louvre SL Art Gallery List
Social Gatherings Parties Dance Clubs
SL Users have the best seats in the house to these concerts
Emergency Preparedness Emergency Preparedness Companies are combining the use of Second Life and the (Nintendo) WiiMote to train employees on things such as: ◦ Inspecting a house for moisture and heat sources ◦ Mixing chemicals and loading them onto a truck ◦ Power Plant training ◦ Driving simulations Using products like Google Maps and Google Earth, simulation can represent actual streets on-screen, so that not every trainee in America has to drive down the "same mythical Maple Street”. Training modules include those intersections and locations where there is a history of accidents.
SL provides online facilities for entire conferences to take place via the web Conferences sometimes held on SL and simultaneously in a live facility
Foundation Grant Class Meeting Rooms Training Demonstration