A very succinct summary statement of the problem can provide a starting introduction to the clinical problem. Additional rationale and background. 1.Start with a broad description of the problem and the clinical import. Short sentences or bullets are best. Readers will not stop to read a few paragraphs. 2.Use references to support the background information (Author, J Appl Physiol, 2006). 3.Describe the need for this project, the clinical appeal, and the goals (Author, Phys Ther, 2011; Author, Archives Phys Med Rehhabil, 2013). 4.Keep the problem clear enough that people can understand the problem by reading the poster, without an explanation from you. Place the Full Title of the Accepted Abstract in This Space Author XY 1, Aurhor YZ 2, Byrne BJ 1 1 Departments of Physical Therapy and 2 Rehabilitation Medicine, Home Institution, City, State Background Include support from administration, students and support personnel, and funding agencies. B Figure 1. Title for the figure stands out in bold print. State the individual findings depicted in this figure for (A) the first result depicted in a graph. (B) Then describe the result of the second graph. Include what the bars represent, e.g. mean (SD) and statistical significance (P<0.05). 1.Lists and bullet points work well to save space. 2.Provide the take-home message 3.Include suggestions for future study A B SubjectGenderAge, years (SD)Days of MV (SD) Control6M, 4F64 (10)6 (2) Medicine6M, 4F62 (14)7 (2) Exercise5M, 5F68 (12)6 (3) Biofeedback7M, 3F65 (14)6 (3) Reserve space to clearly state the study objective and hypothesis. Include the logo from the sponsoring institution There is usually space for a second affiliation logo/brand MethodsResults, cont.Discussion Hypothesis Subjects. Indicate ethics approvals and consent obtained. Describe the inclusionary and exclusionary criteria of the study sample. Use a table if it will help to visualize the design and criteria for participation. Study procedures. If participants are divided into treatment groups, identify what each group entailed. Use bullets to categorize the groups and/or procedures Font 3-4 feet. You may use somewhat smaller font for figure legends, no smaller than 28 point is recommended. Study procedures. Discuss which measures were included into the study outcomes. Include equipment needed for others to replicate the study. Data analysis. include the statistical methods and software used, posthoc tests, and p-values, if appropriate. Results Table 1. Consider using a table to summarize demographic characteristics to save space and add visual appeal. Conclusions Acknowledgements **Include references. If there is space, make a reference list at the end. Otherwise embed author, journal, year into the text, and provide a separate written reference list. Figure 2. Title for the figure stands out in bold print. The figure should be self-explanatory, if people come to the poster when you are not present. Main Discussion Point #1 Use the discussion to summarize the main findings of the project or study and place it within the context of the broader literature. Provide an indication of the clinical implications of the findings Report the limitations of the methods and how it affects applicability Main Discussion Point #2 Consider 1-2 sentence discussion points with an underlined heading, OR use bullets to keep things succinct and clear This poster has been sized for a 36” high, 54” long display.