The Scottish Juvenile Justice System - The Children’s Hearings System -
Aim: Examine how the Children’s Hearing System works. Success Criteria: You can explain: The reasons why a young person might be referred. The role of the Reporter and Children’s Panel. The decisions which a Children’s Panel can make.
The Children’s Hearing System Since the 1970s, the Children’s Hearing System has had responsibility for dealing with children and young people under 16 who commit offences and/or are in need of care and protection. The system in Scotland recognises that often young people who get into trouble with the law are often vulnerable and in need of support.
The Children’s Reporter A Children’s Reporter is a person who decides if a children needs to be referred to a Children’s hearing. The Reporter might receive referrals about young people from the police, social work, health or education (schools). The Reporter will request information about the child to help them make a decision e.g. from a social worker, teacher, health professional.
The Children’s Reporter May Decide To………. 1.No further action is required 2.Refer the child or young person to the local authority – they will receive help and support from a social worker 3.Arrange a Children’s Hearing because compulsory measures of supervision are needed (legal intervention). Video Clip
Reasons Why a Young Person May Be Called To A Children’s Hearing Lack of parental care Schedule 1 offence Permanence Order Committed an Offence Misused Alcohol Misused Drugs Beyond control of a parent Failed to attend School
Reasons Why a Young Person May Be Called To A Children’s Hearing Lack of parental care Schedule 1 offence Permanence Order Committed an Offence Misused Alcohol Misused Drugs Beyond control of a parent Failed to attend School
Children’s Panel Consists of three lay (ordinary) members of the community from various backgrounds. One member will chair the meeting. The Reporter will be there to advise on matters of procedure. Consider reports from school and social worker. Opportunity for the young person/ parents to have their say.
Decisions A Panel Can Take Discharge the case Continue the hearing if they need more information to make a decision. Compulsory measures of supervision
Compulsory Supervision Order The child might remain at home but under the supervision of a social worker. The young person might be placed in care e.g. with other relatives, foster parents or a residential home. Other conditions may be attached e.g. the child must attend school. The local authority (social worker) is responsible for making sure the child gets the help they need. The supervision order must be reviewed at least once a year.
Starter Task – True or False 1. The Children’s Reporter decides if a young person should be referred to a Children’s Hearing. 2. Only social workers can refer a young person to the Reporter. 3. Only young people who commit crimes appear before a Children’s Hearing. 4. Being a member of a Children’s Panel is a full- time paid job. 5. The Reporter chairs the Children’s Panel meeting. 6. A supervision order must be reviewed every year.
How Does The Children’s Hearing System Help Young People? Targets Offending Behaviour and Welfare Concerns A panel will look at all the issues facing a child. If a child has broken the law there are often other issues linked to this such as lack of parental care, poor school attendance etc. Safe Environment For the Young Person The hearing is supposed to be as child-friendly as possible. The young person can write down their thoughts on paper beforehand, given the opportunity to speak at the panel or have others speak for them e.g. social worker, parent, teacher.
Impartial Voluntary Panel The panel has three lay members who will all have gone through training. It is their role to decide what is in the best interests of the young person. Input From Various Agencies The panel can help to ensure that all agencies e.g. police, social worker, school, parents work together to support the child and monitor a situation. Power To Act In the Interests of the Child The panel has the power to allocate social workers to monitor situation or remove at risk children from their home. They can also refer a vulnerable young person to secure accommodation. Their decisions are legally binding.
Task Finish Activities 1-6 on the Children’s Hearing System. Social Issues Textbook page 49 – answer questions 3-4.