LDT mLearning Week 3 Adapted from EDTEC 700 by Dr. Bernie Dodge, PhD – San Diego State University
Agenda Tie loose ends Tools for creating mobile learning environments Team Investigations Emerging mobile technology presentation Mobile Learning Project Proposal : Potential projects View proposal samples
Emerging mTechnology Presentation (Samples) Google Goggles Evernote for mLearning Prezi: a cloud-based applicationa cloud-based application iBooks author Introducing PinterestPinterest Voice Assistance software How to use Mahara Screenr Voki for speaking avatars Voki
Tools to Choose From Webkit for making a mobile course: ◦Greg's mobile course: ndex.html ndex.html ◦Minjuan’s: Snapguide (mLearn content creator): Snapguide Snapguide
Tools to Choose From iPad Emulator: mPhone emulator: Use Tools You Know to Prototype Like a Pro: Learncast.com: Publish once:
Make a QR Code for Yourself: / / /
Use a smart phone’s QR code reader on this image and you will be taken to one of Minjuan’s mobile courses. The site has not been updated for the current semester, but it will give you an idea of what is possible with the iWebkit template. Alternatively, you can visit this link at
Explore Google MobileGoogle Mobile omo-2http:// omo-2
More Tools for Creating M- Learning LMS on Mobile Blackboard Moodle iTunes University (see week 2 slides and links)(see week 2 slides and links) App development Web vs Native
Blackboard Mobile Learn AppMobile Learn App
Moodle on Mobile Download App from iTunesU: websitewebsite mPage for iOS & Android: NewsNews Mbot for Android: website website
Android SDK: WebsiteWebsite
App Inventor Kit: Website | SetupWebsiteSetup Try the Online Emulator: Go HERE /hellopurr/hellopurremulatorpart1.htmlGo HERE
App Inventor Emulator Download the Kitty Pic and Sound from this Site: llopurremulatorpart1.htmlthis Site Go to the App Inventor Web site at Follow the Prompts! Click New on the left side Enter the project name HelloPurr Selecting components to design your app Open the Blocks Editor and connect to the emulator Complete the HelloPurr app
Xcode for iOS: SiteSite
Web Apps vs Native/Mobile Apps Web apps are accessible to mobile & non-mobile devices but optimized for mobile Require use of javascript, css, and html (and php/mysql if there’s a back end) Native apps allow access to the camera, GPS, accelerometer, etc. Native apps require knowing Java (for Android) or Objective C (for iOS).
Web Apps: rich HTML 5 based websites
Mobile native apps for iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry etc.
WebApp Development: jQuery Mobile | WebsiteWebsite
PhoneGap: Website | Case studies Turning Web Apps into Mobile AppsWebsiteCase studies
Appcelerator Titanium
App Development: Summary (1) Easiest: use a mobile app to deliver your courses through BlackBoard or Moodle Best solution with a limited budget and if you’re already using those platforms Con: Same old stuff, only now it’s in your hand
App Development: Summary (2) Hardest: Make a native app specifically for the set of interactions you need using the tools provided by Google and Apple Pros: You’ll get exactly what you need Cons: app developers aren’t cheap. Have to develop at least twice to cover all learners.
App Development: Summary (3) Cheapest: Develop web app first, and then only take it to a native app if you need to. Pro: Easy to find developers with the right skill set. Pro: You can use Phonegap to go native with some extra effort Cons: limits on what you can do. No camera, GPS, etc.
App Development: Summary (4) Web App Development Use one of the multiplatform tools to create what you need. Pro: Easier than writing directly in native code Con: Still not that easy