Page 1, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Advanced Component-Based Software Engineering - Course Organization Ivica Crnkovic Mälardalen University Software Engineering Division
Page 2, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE CBSE(CD5490) & CT (CD5480) Teachers Ivica Crnkovic (examiner) Etienne Borde Aneta VulgarakisSéverine Sentilles
Page 3, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Course Information All information is placed on: Advanced Component-based Software engineering Temporary
Page 4, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE The course Advanced level course (7.5 ETCS) Master Students - Grades 3,4,5 Ph.D. students – certificate that you have passed the courses Course elements Lectures – Introductions, Insights, Overviews Individual and group work Self study, reports, presentations
Page 5, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE The course goal To give the students an overview of component-based software engineering To train students in finding and summarizing particular topics within CBSE To give students insight in different areas related to CBSE To train students in writing reports To train students in presenting technical reports
Page 6, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Now it is your turn to present yourself! Name, etc. Main interest Experience with component-based development Expectation from the courses
Page 7, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Course Overview Basic concepts of Component-based software engineering What is a software component? What is Compinent-based software engineering Component characteristics Component specification Quality attributes of software components Modeling languages and Architectural Definition Languages Component-based development process Component-based model for embedded systems Self-study and project-based
Page 8, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE CBSE assignments 1.Assignment 1 1. Report from the selected topic (a part from the book Building reliable component-based systems, or a similar literature) 2.Assignment 2 A technical paper that uses a particular topic in modeling of different properties of components or practical work
Page 9, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE IMPORTANT DAYS WeekDayDateTimePlaceEventContent 3Tue :15- 11:30ZetaLECTURESIntroduction to CBSE and course 4Tue :15- 12:00ZetaLECTURES CBSE principles, component models, compositions 5Tue :15- 12:00ZetaLECTURESModeling Languages 6Tue :15- 12:00ZetaSeminarsAssigment 1 6Thu :15-16:00Zeta Seminars Assigment 1 11Tue :15- 12:00ZetaSeminarsAssigment 2 12Thu :15-16:00ZetaSeminarsAssigment 2 - final result
Page 10, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Literature CBSE (cd5490) Ivica Crnkovic, Magnus Larsson: Building reliable component-based systemsBuilding reliable component-based systems Ivica Crnkovic: CBSE - New Challenges in Software Development (on the Course web page)CBSE - New Challenges in Software Development Ivica Crnkovic et al: Specification, Implementation and Deployment of Components (on the Course web page)Specification, Implementation and Deployment of Components Ivica Crnkovic, Séverine Sentilles, Aneta Vulgarakis, Michel Chaudron, A Classification Framework for Component Models (on the Course web page) A Classification Framework for Component Models Clemens Szyperski, Component Software - Beyond Object-Oriented Programming – Second EditionComponent Software - Beyond Object-Oriented Programming – Second Edition Heineman and Councill: CBSE - Putting Pieces Together Kurt Wallnau et al: Building systems from Commercial Components Papers found on the internet in the digital libraries...
Page 11, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Lectures Lectures and seminars are mandatory Lecture Course organization Introduction to CBSE Overview of “Building reliable component-based systems” book Assignments Overview (Predictability of quality attributes of component-based systems) (How tow write and how to review technical reports?) Examples of component-based models
Page 12, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Assignments Assignment 1 A technical report – overview of an topic from a CBSE Presentation Assignment 2 A technical report/paper from particular area of CBSE Or project work Presentation
Page 13, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Assignment 1 Per topic (a part or set of chapters) Write a report that summarizes a selected topic from the CBSE book (+ an additional aspect). Explore the reference material 3000 words ± 10% (8-10 pages) template template Presentation material – ca slides – USE TEMPLATE Presentation 15 minutes, minutes questions Review 2 or 3 reports from other students Review template Review template 1 student, or 2 students work together
Page 14, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Assigment 2 - Alternative 1 A project related to component-based development A design and implementation of a particular problem Report describing the result Implementation Presentation and demonstration 1 student, or 2 students work together
Page 15, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Assignment 2 – Alternative 2 Alternative 2 (for PHD students) Write a technical paper that uses a particular topic from Component-based software Engineering A summary of existing research and practical results references pages (no copies allowed) Presentation 1 student, or 2 students work together