1 COMMUNITY LIBRARY CONDITIONAL GRANT 4 th Quarter Performance: 2011/12 Financial year
Purpose & objective of the Grant Goal is to enable South African society to gain access to knowledge and information that will improve their socio- economic situation. Purpose is to transform urban and rural community library infrastructure, facilities, and services (primarily targeting previously disadvantaged communities through a recapitalized programme at provincial level in support of local government and national initiatives. 2
Improved library infrastructure and services that reflect the specific needs of the communities they serve. Presently 79 libraries have been renovated since the inception of the grant. Two libraries are under construction i.e. Mdantsane and Mount Ayliff libraries. This has improved library usage as these libraries are now accessible. Transformed and equitable library and information services delivered to all rural and urban communities. During 2010/11 a total of 70,000 library materials have been purchased and delivered to public libraries. Improved co-ordination and collaboration between national, provincial and local government on library services. The Stakeholders Consultative Workshop and library Summit has improved relationship with Municipalities. Improved culture of reading. South African Library for the Blind benefits from the Grant by providing a special service for people with visual disabilities. Improved staff capacity at urban and rural libraries to respond appropriately to community knowledge and information needs. Qualified librarians have been employed and deployed to public libraries. Opening and closing times at our libraries have since improved with 55% since these libraries now open 8hours a day due to additional staff appointed. 3 Expected outcomes
Summary of Expenditure as per economic classification 4 ProjectBudgetExpenditureVariance Construction of Mdantsane Library R26,671R24,186R2,485 Construction of Mount Ayliff Library R5,000R4,914R86,000 Construction of Lady Frere Library (Professional fees) R406,000R0R406,000 Construction of Tsolo Library R150,000R0R150,000 Upgrading of libraries R15, 976R5,387R10,589
Summary of Expenditure as per economic classification: 5 Economic classificationBudgetExpenditureVariance Building and other fixed structures R60,007R47,801R12,206 Goods & Services incl. Professional fees and furniture R28,707R21,784R6,923 Compensation of employees R13,530R11,697R1,833 Transfer to South African Library for the Blind R2,000R2,000M- Machinery & EquipmentR10,767R8,855MR1,912
TRENDS IN ALLOCATIONS 6 Economic Classification2011/ /13 Compensation of EmployeesR13,530MR22,332M Goods and ServicesR32,707MR15,326M Transfers and SubsidiesR2,000MR1,000M Building and other fixed structuresR56,007MR30,400M Machinery and equipmentR10,767MR9,000M TOTAL ORIGINAL ALLOCATION = R80,974M + R34M Roll over. R115,011MR78,058M
Overall Annual Expenditure Performance: 80.1% 7 Overall budget of R80,974 including roll over of R34Million ExpenditureUnder expenditure Commitments R115,011MR92,137MR22,874,000R18,288,000
Outcome: Transformed and equitable library and information services delivered to all rural and urban communities Output: Number of libraries provided with furniture 8 TargetActualVariance 020 No target was set for the 4 th quarter as the tender was advertised timeously. Technical challenges were identified during the award stage and it had to be re-advertised. The tender was finally awarded in January 2012 and service providers managed to deliver only for 20 libraries.
Outcome: Improved Library infrastructure and services delivered to all rural and urban communities. Output: Number of Community libraries established 9 TargetActualVariance 0 0 Construction of libraries are multi- year projects. Both Mdantsane and Mt Ayliff libraries are projected for completion in August Lady Frere and Tsolo libraries are at design stages as planned.
Outcome: Improved Library infrastructure and services delivered to all rural and urban communities. Output: Number of libraries upgraded and rehabilitated 10 TargetActualVariance / Progress 20 5Projects for 2011/12 were submitted to Public Works in February 2011(before the end of the 2010/11 financial year) but contractors were appointed on the last quarter of the last financial year. 12 Libraries that were carried over from 2010/11 financial were completed during 2011/12 and out of 20 libraries that were identified for 2011/12 only 5 were completed and remaining 15 Libraries have been carried over to the current financial year.
Outcome: Improved Library infrastructure and services delivered to all rural and urban communities. Output: Number of modular libraries provided 11 TargetActualVariance / Progress 128Out of 12 Modular libraries, 8 have been delivered and paid for. The four could not be delivered due to the effect of the weather conditions on the roads.
Outcome: Improved staff capacity at urban and rural libraries to respond appropriately to community needs. Output: Number of qualified librarians appointed and existing personnel compensated. 12 TargetActualVariance 7760There is high staff turn over due to contractual appointment on conditional grant. 17 staff members have since resigned during the financial year.
Outcome: Improved staff capacity at urban and rural libraries to respond appropriately to community needs. Output: Number of library workers trained 13 TargetActualVariance 070There was no target for the 4 th quarter. Library workers that were trained in the last quarter were the ones that could not be trained in the 3 rd quarter due to logistical challenges.
Outcome: Improved culture of reading: Output: Increased number of users in libraries 14 ProjectExpenditureVariance 77Promotional and advocacy programmes were celebrated in all districts some culminated in Provincial events.
Constraints and Remedial actions 15 OutcomeConstraintRemedial action Improved library infrastructure and services delivered to all rural and urban communities Infrastructure projects are awarded to emerging contractors by Public Works and these contractors always have cash-flow challenges. This affect completion periods and service delivery. Projects are submitted to Public Works timeously so that these contractors can start early and be able to finish their works within a financial year.
Constraints and Remedial actions 16 OutcomeConstraintRemedial action Improved library infrastructure and services delivered to all rural and urban communities SITA delays in billing because their invoices come from their Head Office. Meetings to re-negotiate with SITA to de-centralize their billing system are held at National level. At Provincial level meetings are held with local SITA to pressurize them to submit invoices on time.
Constraints and Remedial actions 17 OutcomeConstraintRemedial action Improved staff capacity at urban and rural libraries to respond appropriately to community needs. Conditional Grant staff turn over: staff resigns constantly as a result of condition of their employment (Contractual). This impact on service delivery especially at public libraries as some libraries have to be closed again. Conditional staff should be incorporated into Equitable Share to ensure sustenance and continuity.
Monitoring capacity 18 The Department has a monitoring and evaluation unit under Strategic Planning Management component that is assisting in ensuring that projects are done according to plans( Business Plan; Annual Performance Plan& Operational Plan). Reporting is done quarterly. In-Year-Monitoring is done internally to check the spending patterns as against cash-flow projections. These reports are then sent to Provincial and National Treasuries (through DAC). Monthly and quarterly reports are submitted to DAC and quarterly reviews are held with DAC in compliance with Division of Revenue Bill (DORA) Conditional Grant has its administration unit with the Project Manager ; Acquisitions and Admin. Officers. Provincial Evaluation Committee monitors performance of community grant through out the year.
Achievements 19 New Libraries: Mt Ayliff and Mdantsane libraries are on the last phases and due for completion in August 11 Containers are functional with qualified personnel and 8 Modular libraries have been delivered to rural areas during. Outdoor learning equipment :Jungle gyms have been installed in 15 Libraries through out the province. Since the inception of conditional grant, the department has managed to renovate a total of 84 out of 120 libraries through the province. Detection systems have been installed in all identified libraries. Presently, the Province has provided internet and facilities to a total of 88 (eighty-eight) libraries. 11 Libraries are providing services for people with visual disabilities.
Conclusion Conclusion 20 The high priority in the Province is provision of infrastructure to our libraries. Infrastructure is too technical and has to be outsourced to implementing agents i.e. Public Works & Coega. Due to appointment of librarians, libraries that were closed and others opening for short hours are now operating normally. Irrespective of the challenges that we are encountering, there is improvement in terms of spending on infrastructure. During the last financial year the province spent 73% of its budget and for 2011/12 80% has been spent.