Sacred Heart Church Owatonna, Minnesota Presentation for Parish Feasibility Study 1
Introduction Sacred Heart was founded in 1866 In just 4 years we will be celebrating our sesquicentennial, 150 years of serving our God and our community. While facilities and faces change throughout time, one thing remains the same…our commitment to Christ, to one another, and to the betterment of our community. 2
Facility Planning Committee Members: Fr. John Sauer Jim Brunner Kristin Haberman Ron Kubicek Dave Olson Chris Smith Tom Soukup Paula Trenda With the assistance of Dean Beeniga, ATS&R 3
History for Expansion Sacred Heart has been looking to renovate/add additional office and program space for the parish since 2006 Our need for additional, functional space remains a top priority In summer 2009 we developed a plan to add offices to the west end of the Parish Center The 2009 plan was put on hold due to funding and the desire not to raise funds while the St. Mary’s School Project moved forward 4
History (cont.) In Spring 2011 we asked for permission to purchase the former Owatonna Hospital Permission was granted by the Bishop but the City of Owatonna did not accept our purchase offer The City is entering into a purchase agreement with Fareway Foods out of Boone, Iowa. 5
Exemption to Purchase 4 homes Provided the City moved forward with the sale of the hospital to Fareway, the Bishop has granted us an exemption to purchase four homes this fall. ◦ In exchange for purchasing 4 homes (1 on Cedar and 3 on Oak), Fareway Foods would demolish all 4 homes plus 2 garages at no cost to us. ◦ Fareway would allow for a permanent easement on the use of a drive coming from Cedar, as well as use of their parking lot. Saves us money in construction costs (aprox $125,000 for demo and $300,000 for drive) Saves us money in our operations budget for maintenance of drive and additional parking areas ◦ The timeline for the demolition of these structures is Fall/Winter
Feasibility Study The Bishop gave us permission to conduct a feasibility study to determine the level of interest in a building project at this time. We’ve hired Walsh & Associates out of Burnsville to conduct the study. ◦ Founded in 1984, Walsh & Associates only work with churches and not with schools or other non-profits Pending the study outcome, we may conduct capital campaign in winter 2012 to raise funds for phase 1 construction. 7
Master Site List of Needs Our Facility Planning Team developed a 3 year and 20 year master site plan utilizing the former hospital site. We have condensed that plan to fit the new model without the hospital property. ◦ This new plan required the acquistion of 3 homes on Oak Avenue and 1 on Cedar Avenue. The home on Cedar was required in all plans. Our needs, from 2006, remain unchanged ◦ Inadequate and non-accessible office space ◦ Current programming space doesn’t allow ministries to grow and evolve with the Parish ◦ Current church needs additional seating, better sight lines and replacement of carpets and kneelers ◦ Inadequate parking and improper water drainage ◦ Continued Parish growth 8
Master Site Plan, Phase 1 Creates office and reception area that is welcoming and accessible to all parishioners. The new office would also allow for a more secure facility. Expands the Narthex space. Expands the space available for programs to occur concurrently. Remodels the church and allows for additional overflow seating. Allows for private rectory living arrangements for Priest Corrects parking deficiencies and storm water management. Closes Marian Drive to make a more secure school. 9
Master Site Plan, Homes for Purchase/Demolition 10
11 Master Site Plan, Phase 1 Draft Design
Master Site Plan, Phase 1 Draft Design, Office 13
Master Site Plan, Phase 1 Draft Design, Narthex/Meeting 14
Master Site Plan, Phase 1 Draft Design, Rectory 15
Master Site Plan, Phase 1 Draft Design, Church Interior 16
Master Site Plan, Phase 1 Budget 17
Master Site Plan, Phase 2 Allows for additional flexible program space. Expands the church to seat 700 instead of 450. Meets the rest of our facility needs for continued parish growth over the next 20 years. Budget is unknown at this time, but probably about $9 mil. Was designed to keep the future growth of the parish and Owatonna in mind. 18
Master Site Plan, Phase 2 Draft Design 19
Master Site Plan, Phase 2 Draft Design 20
Conclusion Fareway Foods should prove to be a good neighbor. They are offering: ◦ To demolish all structures, including asbestos abatement, at no cost to the church. ◦ To provide a permanent easement for use of a drive from Cedar, a sign for Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s at that entrance, and a permanent easement for parking. ◦ Fareway is never open on Sunday and have more limited hours during the week. ◦ Fareway participates in SCRIP in their other communities, and would do so for us, as well. 21
Conclusion (cont.) Through the generous prayerful, volunteer and financial support of many – we believe that we can succeed in our task. We are confident of our continued growth as a community of faith and in our ability to even better do God’s will and works. 22
Questions & Comments 23 T HANK Y OU !