ICT in Elementary Schools
Guiding Concepts: New generation learners come to school with unique learning styles and interests. ICTs are powerful teaching tools and their potentials are not being exploited by teachers (Seymour Papert 1993) Researches indicate the positive effects of ICT in teaching-learning such as increased participation in discussions; enhanced awareness of issues and events; positive motivation to come to classes, etc.
21st Century Skills © 2007 International Society for Technology in Education. Creativity and Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Communication and Collaboration Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Research and Information Fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
21st Century Skills © 2007 International Society for Technology in Education. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Digital Citizenship Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Technology Operations and Concepts Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations.
Marc Prensky’s Essential 21st Century Skills Knowing the right thing to do (making good judgments, behaving ethically, thinking critically, etc) Getting things done (self assessing, self directing, setting goals, etc) Doing it with others (Communicating/interacting with individuals and groups; using technology/ interacting with machines; connecting with world audience and across cultures, etc)
Marc Prensky’s Essential 21st Century Skills Doing it creatively (adapting, thinking creatively, tinkering and designing, playing, finding your voice, etc) Constantly doing it better (reflecting, being proactive, taking prudent risks, thinking long-term, continually improving through learning, etc)
use ICT devices efficiently and effectively; “21st Century Education for All Filipinos, Anytime, Anywhere” (ICT 4E Master Plan, 2008) At least by the end of the elementary level, pupils are able to use ICT devices efficiently and effectively; demonstrate ethical use of ICT; use content tools to support own learning; communicate using ICT tools and; use appropriate ICT tools for problem-solving. The ICT4ES provides a framework to equip learners with the necessary skills and experiences that will enable them to become contributing members of the global community. Its goal is to continue to help our students develop abilities to seek, evaluate, organize and present information; higher order thinking skills; habits of life-long learning to fully participate in the information age; and an understanding of the pervasive impact of ICT on their daily lives and the society. The plan envisions that at least by the end of the elementary level, students are able to use ICT devices efficiently and effectively; demonstrate ethical use of ICT; use content tools to support own learning; communicate using ICT tools and; use appropriate ICT tools for problem-solving
21st Century ICT Skills (Elementary Level) Grades Basic operations & concepts Social, ethical and human issues ICT for Producing ICT for Communicating ICT for Researching ICT for Problem-solving K Recognize the basic operations of various ICT devices such as TV, VCD/DVD, cellular phones, computers Recognize the appropriate and safe use of ICT devices Recognize the basic functions of available technologies to create simple multimedia products to support learning Use basic ICT tools to share information and collaborate with peers to create simple multimedia products to support learning Use available technologies to collect and organize information to support learning Use appropriate technologies to create own solutions to given problems 1-3 Use basic operations of various available devices successfully such as TV, VCD/DVD, cellular phones, computers Demonstrate the responsible and safe use of available technologies Use basic ICT to create own multimedia products to support learning Use ICT to collaborate with peers in creating multimedia products and to communicate personal interests in and outside the school Use ICT to explore various sources information to support learning Use appropriate ICT to efficiently solve given problems to support learning 4 -6 Use ICT devices efficiently and effectively Discuss the ethical use of ICT at home, in and outside the school Use content specific tools such as the various office software to support learning Use ICT to collaborate with peers, teachers and others via collaborative tools to investigate learning related topics or issues Use appropriate search techniques from various electronic sources to complete learning tasks Use appropriate ICT to explore various aspects of a problem to arrive at a more accurate solution
Shift from traditional direct teaching to facilitative teaching The Challenge is for the Teachers to: Shift from traditional direct teaching to facilitative teaching Match the teaching style to the learning style of the students Know which software and hardware are available and appropriate to the lesson Maximize the variety of available technology Acquire appropriate skills to teach with ICT Gauge students’ progress and plan for continued change
ICT Competency Standards for Teachers ICT literacy Pedagogy; Organization and Administration; Teacher Professional Development; Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issues; and Evaluation and Assessments. The set of ICT competency standards has identified three levels in six domains for teachers. The three levels are: Basic; Proficient; and Advanced. The six domains are: ICT literacy, Pedagogy; Organization and Administration; Teacher Professional Development; Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issues; and Evaluation and Assessments.
ICT-Based Teaching Model (J. Macasio, 2008) GOAL INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT Learning Outcome Software and Internet Resources Instructional Method Learning Product to read and write to count and calculate Word Processor Desktop Publishing Calculation Spreadsheet Slide Presenter Multimedia Authoring Video and Audio Editor Image and Drawing Editor Web Page Maker Worksheet Maker Test Maker Math Study Helper Science Study Helper English Study Helper e-Mail Weblog, and Wiki File Sharing Knowledge Base Virtual Laboratory Internet Digital Library TEACHER-LED Lecture Direct Instruction Demonstration Practice Drill LEARNER-CENTERED Cooperative Learning Discussion Forum Case Studies Discovery Learning Journal and Diary Brainstorming Debates Reports Assessment Results Project Artifacts Worksheets Video Production Multimedia Presentation Published Documents -- VALIDATION AND VERIFICATION Performance Rubrics
ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN SUBJECT AREA: GRADE/YEAR LEVEL: LESSON TITLE: TIME ALLOTTED: LESSON DESCRIPTION: (Write a concise description of what occurs in this lesson.) In this lesson, the students shall learn the following category of knowledge items. The student is expected to realize the following learning activities. The learning process requires the following condition or ICT resources to achieve learning the lesson. The student shall deliver the following learning products. The student performance will be evaluated based on the following performance metrics.
ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Identification of the specific learning outcomes that are expected to happen based on the Basic Education Curriculum. The learner is expected to: Define…. Describe… Differentiate The learner given the ICT learning condition is able to: Calculate Compose Illustrate
ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN CLASSROOM LAYOUT AND GROUPING OF STUDENTS: Where will the learning take place? How will the room be organized with the computers? (Make a visual representation or diagram of the facility or classroom layout.) How will the students be grouped: class group individuals pairs small groups, etc
ICT CONFIGURATION FOR BLENDED TEACHING AND LEARNING Self Directed Learning Practice and Drill Computerized Test Creative Writing Creative Arts Computerized Tutorial On-line Seminar
ICT CONFIGURATION FOR BLENDED TEACHING AND LEARNING • Collaborative Project • Group Discussion • Group Coaching
ICT CONFIGURATION FOR BLENDED TEACHING AND LEARNING Lecture Presentation Activity Demonstration Video Broadcast
ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN MATERIALS, RESOURCES AND TECHNOLOGY: Non-Digital Materials for this Lesson Printed Text Book Manual Manipulative Chalk Board Illustration Board Printed Workbook Technology Components for this Lesson Computer Software Network Printer Scanner Multimedia Device
ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN MATERIALS, RESOURCES AND TECHNOLOGY: Computer Software for this Lesson Windows Operating System Edubuntu Operating System Math Educational Software Science Educational Software Creativity and Productivity Software Software Title
ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN STUDENT’S PRESENT LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE AND KNOWLEDGE: Do the students have the adequate knowledge to complete the lesson successfully? What pre-requisite knowledge or skills from previous lessons that the students must have in order to complete the current lesson content? What initial technology knowledge and skills that the students must have to properly use the computer, software and Internet to learn the lesson?
ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES: Motivation: Define the importance of the lesson to motivate the student. And how to relate lesson to previous lesson or real-life situation. Identify how the ICT based materials will be use to bring motivations of the lesson. Presentation: Identify the knowledge items or concepts to be understood, and the manner the content will be presented to the students through the use of ICT tools. Activities: Identify the sequential activities of the performance item to be executed in this lesson. It describes the methodology and ICT tools to be used in developing the activity products. Closure: Identify how the lesson shall be summarized and how to introduce future lesson.
ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN SUPPLEMENTAL ACTIVITIES: Additional activities to expand the lesson Remediation activities for the student needing more instruction and practices Assignments
ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION: How will you measure the student’s success? Formally or informally? Formal evaluation of student work requires that a grade is taken while informal might be monitoring of work, or class discussion. Describe the assessment process: -Written Test –Quiz, Unit Test, Periodical Examination -Activity Output Evaluation –Activity Worksheet -Computer based Testing -On-line Test Define the criteria for achievement, and performance levels: -Basic questions that all students must be able to answer -Difficult question that some student may be able to answer -Performance Rubrics and Rating Reference Describe the plan on how to provide feedback to the student: -Individual consultation -Printed Report -e-mail
ICT ENHANCED LEARNING LESSON PLAN STUDENT PRODUCTS: What artifact(s) or products will result from the lesson? Report Worksheet Newsletter Diary Diagram Slideshow Video and Sound Production Drawing Created Object Test Results Discussion Forum Website
ICT Enhanced Curriculum Models Outcomes / Outputs Increased performance – ESM Reduced dropout, problems on tardiness and absenteeism Increased completion, survival Change in teachers practices Improved learning environment
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