By Hannah R.
Benjamin Franklin invented the the Lightning rod, made the first library, also he did put the street lights on the road and paved them. George Washington was the first president of the United States. John Adams having earlier served as the first vice President of the United States. Thomas Jefferson was the principal of The Declaration of Indepence.
Tools and Jobs Some of the tools were Hammers, Planes, and Saws. Some of the jobs were Black Smith, Brick Maker, Gardener. Black Smith do crafters for hardware for homes and tools for fellow people. Brick Makers they do molding, drying bricks, and firing bricks for construction and repair for bricks for peoples home. Gardeners did fine gardener with tools and plants and colonies techniques.
Regions and how there unique The New England regions are Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts. They are unique because of fishing (especially cod fish) whaling, trapping, ship builting, and logging. The Middle Regions are New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware. They were unique because Large agricultural, farms, crops, grains, logging, ship buiting, textiles. The Southern regions are Maryland, Virgina, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. They are unique because of rice, indigo tobacco, sugarcane, cotton were cash crops.
Literature The type of instruments they had were Snare Drums, Fife, and Bass Drums.
They did music, dance, and board games. Some other things they did were daily chores, puzzels, and cards. Crafts/Games
Clothes The women worn gowns, aprons, hatsand petticoats. The men worn hats, coats, silk cravet.