RSC activities Professor Jim Iley CChem FRSC Director, Science and Education, RSC
Outline Vocational qualifications Industrial placements Degree accreditation
Vocational qualifications
RSciTech and RSci 450,000 technicians that will be needed by 2020 to underpin a growing innovation economy (Technician Council) Two new registers from the Science Council: RSci and RSciTech The RSC is one of 7 professional bodies to pilot the scheme – currently awaiting pilot licence
Current activities revised membership categories will allow non-graduate applicants to join RSC membership presentation and promotion of the new registers at the Laboratory Equipment Trade Show (Nottingham) 6 months RSC project funded by the Gatsby Foundation Sectors Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Contract analysis services, Food & Drink, Materials, Energy, Water, Defence, Agriculture and Academia
RSC vocational qualification study OBJECTIVES scale of non-graduates working in technical roles across various chemical sectors identify current apprenticeships providers and the number of apprenticeship schemes in the chemical sciences Identify the opportunities for future potential for vocational qualifications in chemical sciences via both apprenticeship schemes and university/college courses
Industrial placements
Industrial Placements Chemistry World Jobs Dedicated placement website Free industrial placement advertisement for companies Supported by HE STEM Programme
Industrial Placements Industrial Placement Guide Written by Robin Mellors-Bourne (Careers Research and Advisory Centre) Aimed at potential host companies Provides guidance and clarifies misconceptions about hosting industrial placements Supported by the HE STEM Programme
RSC degree accreditation
Currently accredit >250 chemistry programmes at 40 universities Emphasis on applying knowledge and solving problems Aligned to academic requirements for Chartered Chemist Output focussed Peer review process Criteria based on external reference points QAA benchmark Qualification frameworks Two levels of accreditation Bachelor Master
Key requirements for accreditation Breadth of chemistry Depth of chemistry Practical abilities Research training Professional skills Robust and varied assessment Adequate resources Quality assurance Suitable placement activity Appropriate degree title