Professional Development Employability
Professional Development: Employability Workshops Dr Vikki Carolan (Placement Tutor) Workshop 1: 11-12 29th September 6620 Introduction Workshop 2: 11-12 6th October 6620 Making Applications Intro to Careers Service Workshop 3: 11-12 13th October 6620 Interview Preparation Workshop 4: 11-12 20th October 6620 Recent placement experiences
Professional Development Portfolio Evidence of placement or employment activities To include (amongst others): statement of placement / employment goals up to date CV application form and covering letter list of practical, professional & personal skills reflection on professional development including career aspirations
What is employability? ‘a set of achievements - skills, understandings and personal attributes - that make graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations, which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy.’ Yorke 2006
What is employability? ‘The possession by an individual of the qualities and competences required to meet the changing needs of employers, and thereby help realise his or her aspirations and potential in work’ The Confederation of British Industry (CBI)
Employability Workshop (1) Ways to improve employability: get a (science) degree develop transferable skills get work experience
Develop transferable skills Use subject specific employability profiles / transferrable skills to identify your strengths BMS - take BMS profile Biology - take Bioscience profile Human biology - take Bioscience profile Biochemistry - take Bioscience and chemistry sheets Biotechnology - take Bioscience profile Pharm Sci - take chemistry sheet FAS - take Forensic and chemistry sheets FBS - take Forensic and Bioscience sheets
Why get work experience? The 2008 ABPI Industry Skills report* states that: 'most industry employers would only consider hiring graduates who had at least completed a summer placement' *Skills Needs for Biomedical Research, ABPI, 2008. p15
One way to improve employability.... .....spend year 3 on placement
What is an industrial placement? fantastic, exciting, daunting opportunity work experience chance to try a job opportunity to improve 'transferrable skills' self-development 48 weeks of employment starting summer 2012
It could: influence your career choice be a year long interview let you (hopefully) earn some money give you experience of 'working life' develop new skills - practical, academic & social improve your final degree classification
Improve your employability It will: Improve your employability Students on all Biosciences courses can choose to do a work placement in their third year Support available from: Placement Team Careers team (SLS) Academic Tutors
Common Worries: Will I be up to the job? I won't know anyone! I don't want to leave: Sheffield / my boyfriend/girlfriend / my dog! Can I afford it? Where will I live?
How do I get a placement? impressive CV apply! well thought-out application / covering letter (JA will check first application forms/cover letters) prepare for interview
CV final draft should be completed and with Joanna it should show your strengths but be to the point make it reader friendly get someone to proof read it update it difficult to apply for a placement without a CV!
Apply! Placement opportunities on Blackboard - once enrolled, check daily Look at job spec and match with your course / interests Think of evidence of transferable skills Note deadlines - companies set these not us Do what they ask Don't wait for the 'ideal placement'
Prepare for interview guidance in workshop 3, also use Careers service use 'The Interviewer' think about possible questions how can you demonstrate key skills (evidence)? what attracts you about the company? be prepared for technical questions practise psychometric tests
Contact with company may contact you directly check email regularly ensure voicemail / ansaphone messages are appropriate! keep Joanna informed of application status Follow the Placement Process Regulations Keep a placement file! (Keep copies of applications / job descriptions)
What to do next? Ensure 'final' version of CV and covering letter are sent to Joanna Look on blackboard - and apply! Many good placements are already being advertised, with some imminent closing dates Oct - Jan busiest placement period; slows down after this Applications will be monitored
General Items: Health & Safety Hep B Vaccination Animal Testing
Health & Safety: Info in placement booklet (provided in Y1) Approved by SHU before placements commence and risk assessed Consider 'disclosing' a disability Discuss any health problems at interview We do not inform employers of any issues Companies may insist on a medical / drug test H&S discussed further in S2 workshops
Hepatitis-B Vaccination: Recommended if you are likely to be working with blood / blood products Offered by Student Medical Centre – free service but appointment necessary Course of 3 injections followed by blood test – course takes about 8 months Hep-B serious disease; vaccination requirement for some placements
Animal Testing: Need to be clear of your views Look at questions in placement booklet Various levels of involvement: Company may deal with data from animal studies done elsewhere Analysis of samples from animals e.g. urine, faeces Collection & analysis of samples from animals Analysis of tissue from animals e.g. biopsies, liver Collection & preparation of tissue samples from animals e.g. dissection, preparation of sections hands-on work with animals
Next time..... ....making applications