2011 HV scan SF6 flow-meter accident 2011 Results comparison RPC HV efficiency scan Pigi Paolucci on behalf of RPC collaboration
RPC – Why an HV scan ? 11/04/11 Pigi - RPC project - XEB 12 April pressure Δ P = 20 mbar 2010 efficiency Δε =10% In 2010 we had not enough statistic to make a full efficiency scan RPC system worked with 2 common HV working point 9.35 & 9.55 kV RPC performance depends on P and T We decided to do an HV scan per year: To define a WP per chamber in order to improve the performance and avoid to stress the detector. Choose a WP in the plateau region in order to avoid instability with pressure RPC monitor stream is vital. Very high statistic in 1 hour at present L
HV scan – first 8 points RPC project - CMS GM 4 May March: HV scan (8 points – HV corrected with pressure ) 27 March: full analysis completed About 60% of the rolls have a very good efficiency sigmoid fit – more points needed ! An overall efficiency decrease of 3% seen in the only run comparable with 2011 WP !!! Pigi on behalf of RPC group plateau curves repository barrel endcap
HV scan – preliminary results 11/04/11 4 Pigi - RPC project - XEB 12 April Defined plateau region Knee 95% Working = knee V HV scan fit ε (HV) = ε max /(1 + e Slope (HV-HV50%) ) Working Point defined as Knee V taking into account the P of 2010 We can reduce to 100 in case of rate problem and even less when we will correct the Effective HV with the pressure variations.
HV scan – 11 points RPC project - CMS GM 4 May 15 April: 3 more points taken – scan completed (3.3 pb -1 BAD) 95% of the rolls have now a very good efficiency sigmoid fit Pigi on behalf of RPC group barrel endcap
HV scan – Chi2 distribution RPC project - CMS GM 4 May Pigi on behalf of RPC group
HV scan – all curves shifted RPC project - CMS GM 4 May it is now clear that was not an overall efficiency decrease but that all curves were shifted forward about 120 ± 10 V (respect 2010) ?? We double checked HV, pressure, temperature, timing, Trigger, selection checked Everything seems to be ok – what about the GAS ? Pigi on behalf of RPC group Artificial shift of 110 Volts 2010
HV scan – curve shifted RPC project - CMS GM 4 May Pigi on behalf of RPC group HV scan 2010 Fit HV Scan 2011
HV scan – SF6 shift measurement RPC project - CMS GM 4 May 16 April: Gas expert called SF6 mass flow-meter replaced after few hours 18 April: System came back at nominal gas mixture SF6 mass flow-control analyzed by Gas Group: not working properly - 30% more !!! 0.39% not 0.30% (flow-meter monitoring was stable and at 0.3%) Only way to detect the failure was an external measurement with chromatograph 24 April: mini-scan in 2 sectors (39 rolls) to calibrate the shift due to the SF6 Pigi on behalf of RPC group HV (0.39% SF6 – 0.30% SF6) at 50% eff HV 50% shifted of 100 Volts RMS is 19 Volts 100 Volts renormalization will be applied to all the curves
HV scan – working points RPC project - CMS GM 4 May 30 April: Rolls WP merged in chamber and then in HV channel (1 HV ch. 4 bi-gap rolls) 2011 final HV working point table is ready (average of 4 rolls WP) System should be now more stable.vs. pressure About 65% were working closer to the knee in the 2010 Pigi on behalf of RPC group Nominal voltage 2010 Nominal voltage 2010 P 2011 P
HV scan – final results I RPC project - CMS GM 4 May 2172 (99%) fits are good (51 recovered deleting 1-2 bad points) Only 23 OFF rolls are without plateau Pigi on behalf of RPC group All Barrel HV scan 2011 HV value at 50% eff Barrel RMS 64 Volts Endcap RMS 84 Volts
Pigi on behalf of RPC group RPC project - CMS GM 4 May
Pigi on behalf of RPC group RPC project - CMS GM 4 May Cluster size noise Public results on WEB page
HV scan – final results I RPC project - CMS GM 4 May Also low efficiency rolls have a very nice plateau Pigi on behalf of RPC group barrel 1 Front End board broken
HV scan – final results II RPC project - CMS GM 4 May Pigi on behalf of RPC group Average Effective voltage over 1 month kV P T cut > 0 GeV Effective voltage in 1 hour 9.35 & 9.55 kV P T cut > 7 GeV Systematic error of about 1%
ClusterSizeBarrel Average Effective voltage over 1 month kV P T cut > 0 GeV Effective voltage in 1 hour 9.35 & 9.55 kV P T cut > 7 GeV Pigi on behalf of RPC group 16 RPC project - CMS GM 4 May 2011
Cluster size distribution at WP Pigi on behalf of RPC group RPC project - CMS GM 4 May Cluster size distribution at the 2011 HV channel WP Measurement will be re-done in 1 day after the TS = 1.6 RMS 0.23
HV scan – gas monitoring improvements RPC project - CMS GM 4 May Central gas group is helping a lot in understanding the SF6 flow-meter failure and in improving the monitoring of this crucial component – Thanks SF6 flow-meter is today monitored by the gas group with a gas chromatograph until the automatic procedure will be ready (June)” RPC Gas system review 3 May (today): Gas Gain Monitor could be used to monitor the gas mixture (under study) Gas monitor parameters alarm/warning have been reviewed Instructions for the RPC shifter will be updated Pigi on behalf of RPC group
Conclusions Pigi on behalf of RPC group RPC project - CMS GM 4 May Barrel Gaps have been produced from 2003 and after 8 years Stability and uniformity of 2172 bi-gap rolls is now evident: All the efficiency curve fits are good – 23 (1%) rolls are OFF Average efficiency ≈ 95% - stable in time ( ) Efficiency RMS = 5% HV 50% distribution has RMS = 64 Volts and 84 Volts (very uniform set) HV working point table is now ready. It will be uploaded after TS Expected at WP are % and more stable.vs. P & T SF6 is a critical component for RPC detector 30% more corresponds to 110 Volts Gas chromatograph automatic measurement needed to control the gas mixture Online HV correction with pressure is needed to reduce the operating voltage and keep safe the detector (under-study) Final results WEB page