The Distinctive Nature of the Church “OF Christ” A study of the distinctive features of the church that is truly “OF” Christ
Definitions n Distinctive: u “Serving to distinguish or set apart n Nature: u The inherent character - Essence n Church: u Ekklesia (1577)- “The called out” n “OF Christ”: u Relating to - Indicates belonging The Distinctive Nature of the Church OF Christ
Applying The Definitions n The inherent, distinguishable characteristics or essence of the people who belong to Christ, having been called out of the world by Him. The Distinctive Nature of the Church OF Christ
The Authority OF Christ n (Mt.28:18) (Ep.1:22-23) n Importance of Authority (Jer.5:30- 31) (Mt.18:18-20) n Proper Source of Authority (Mt.21:23-27) (Jer.10:23) (Mt.15:3,9; 7:21-23) n Not the authority of Moses or David (2Ti.2:15) (Co.2:14) The Churches “OF” Christ Will Have...
The Doctrine OF Christ n (2Jo.1:9) n No doctrines of men (Mt.15:7-9) u Faith only salvation u Once saved - always saved u One church as good as another u Auricular confession to priest n “Teach no other doctrine” (1Ti.1:3) u (1Ti.6:3-5) (2Jo.1:10-11) (Mt.16:6,12) The Churches “OF” Christ Will Have...
The Members OF Christ n (Ep.5:30,32) (1Co.12:27) n How do we become members OF Christ? u Through proper obedience u Must have the wedding garment u No sprinkling or denom. baptism n Sanctified (1Co.1:1-2) u Pure lives (2Co.7:1) (Ep.5:1-4) The Churches “OF” Christ Will Have...
The Members OF Christ n (Ep.5:30,32) (1Co.12:27) n How do we become members OF Christ? u Through proper obedience u Must have the wedding garment u No sprinkling or denom. baptism n Sanctified (1Co.1:1-2) u Pure lives (2Co.7:1) (Ep.5:1-4) The Churches “OF” Christ Will Have...
The Fellowship OF Christ n (1Co.1:9) (2Co.6:14-18) (Ep.5:11) n No joint ventures with the denominations u Trading pulpits with denominational preachers u Ministerial Alliance u Bus ministry, Vacation Bible School, Youth Rallies, etc. The Churches “OF” Christ Will Have...
The Organization OF Christ n (1Pe.5:1-3) n Elders, Deacons, Saints (Ph.1:1) n “Elders in every church” (Ac.14:23) n New Testament churches… u Planned their own work u Implemented their own work u Selected their own messengers u Raised their own funds The Churches “OF” Christ Will Have...
The Worship OF Christ n (Jo.4:23-24) n Not the worship of “self-will” u (Ge.4:3-7) (He.11:4) (Le.10:1-3) n The Lord’s Supper (Ac.20:7) n Contribution (1Co.16:1-2) n Prayer (Ac.2:42) n Singing (He.2:12) n Preaching (Ac.20:7) The Churches “OF” Christ Will Have...
The Mission OF Christ n Jesus did not come to this earth to end disease, hunger, illiteracy or cruelty to animals (Mt.1:21) (Mk.1:38) (Lk.4:43) n Evangelism (1Th.1:8) n Edification (Ep.4:11-16) n Benevolence (Ac.4:32-35) n Any other mission is not OF Christ The Churches “OF” Christ Will Have...
Applying It All n The church that is OF Christ bears some distinctive marks u The marks are easily recognizable u Any church that does not bear these marks of distinction is not OF Christ u Are you a part of a church that is OF Christ? (Mt.15:13) The Distinctive Nature of the Church OF Christ
The Distinctive Nature of the Church “OF Christ” A study of the distinctive features of the church that is truly “OF” Christ