Group 1: Drama and Fiction By: Alec Hudd, Malak Kallel, Narankhuu Ganbaatar.


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Presentation transcript:

Group 1: Drama and Fiction By: Alec Hudd, Malak Kallel, Narankhuu Ganbaatar

Drama Comedy Tragedy Tragicomedy Theater of the Absurd Terms of Focus Fiction Novel Short story Novella

Greek Verb “to do” or “to act” Drama is the major literary form that presents characters directly to the audience o Mostly seen in plays Drama is used to move the audience and their emotions Drama

type of drama characterized by a light tone and a happy resolution purpose is to amuse and engage the audience high comedy = based on verbal wit (repartee) low comedy = characterized by physical humor romantic comedy = love story w/a happy ending comedy of manners = love story w/ a more sophisticated tone and worldly views Comedy

type of drama where the tone is serious and somber effect is to involve and strongly move the audience outcome of this type of drama is often disastrous for the protagonist and those associated with him or her 3 type of tragedies: o Classical - from ancient greece, center on a tragic hero who commits an irreversible error of judgement due to pride, or hubris o Senecan - plays with ghosts, grisly murders, revenge o Domestic - center around mundane issues, such as financial debt and marriage issues Tragedy

Plays that include elements of both tragedies and comedies Typically begin with a tragic plot and finish with a happy ending o Some of these plays are called dark comedies Tragicomedy

A type of drama that is used to question the meaning of life o A universe seen as godless and has overthrown the ideas of a well-established setting, logical dialogue, and a fully resolved conflict used to challenge the audience on philosophical and stylistic beliefs does not follow the typical structure of a play Theater of the Absurd

Romeo and Juliet (Tragedy) Hamlet (Tragedy) Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Comedy) Antigone (Tragedy) Measure for Measure (Tragicomedy) Endgame (Theater of the Absurd) Examples of Drama

any narrative, written in either verse or prose, about invented characters and events focuses on a character or characters that interact in a given setting narrated from a particular POV and are based on some sort of plot Fiction

extended narrative of varying lengths, but long enough to be published separately more complex plot is typically more involved and multifaceted has more complete description of social mileu depiction of character’s feelings, motives, and experiences is more complete Novel

Novel of incident - main focus is on course and outcome of events in the plot Novel of character - main focus is on protagonist’s thoughts, feelings, and motives Realistic novel - depicts a fictional world that closely resembles the events, social interactions, settings, motivations, and feelings in everyday life Romance - focuses on characters that are more likely to be depicted as heroic or villainous Forms of Novels

usually written in narrative prose plot is less complex and less developed than that of a novel emerged from early oral storytelling Short Story/Novella ➢ falls between the novel and the short story in length and complexity ➢ flexibility in categorization

Robinson Crusoe (novel of incident) Crime and Punishment (novel of character) Pride and Prejudice (realistic novel) Their Eyes Were Watching God (romantic novel) The Color Purple (epistolary novel) The Arabian Nights (short story) The Metamorphosis (novella) Examples of Fiction