NFC Inventory Android App Jeremy Sagaille
Project Introduction Implementing RFID inventory system The benefits of having an inventory system in place. -You can track your products -Make the computer do the work -More organized you are and the more data you have the more profitable your endeavors will be Using statistical analysis to increase profits. You need to collect data on the process before you can improve.
My idea is…
Goals No end user interaction with the tag Effective and aesthetically pleasing application Access to a history of records Track profits, expenses and total clients That being said here are my goals for the project.
System Diagram There is a lot going on here in this system diagram but stick with me and we’ll go through each piece
System Diagram First we’ll discuss the hardware and software involved
Hardware NFC Enabled Device NFC Tags Galaxy S3 Read and Write Standard 13.56 Mhz NFC tags Hardware needed for this project to work is shown here
Software Developed Using Android SDK Android Studio IDE Java Back End Similar To Eclipse Java Back End SQLite Database Storage XML Front End Software used for developing this project and the software developed for actual project is listed here
System Diagram Next we’ll talk about the NFC portion in more depth
NFC Write Client ID number to tag Read Client ID number from tag Pushes a string to the tag Read Client ID number from tag Retrieves a String from the tag String ID will be used to retrieve the client’s data We are going to go a little more in depth on what the NFC role of this app will be.
System Diagram Next lets talk about the real work horse and back bone of this application the client database that is structured using SQLite
SQLite Similar to SQL SQLite is more suitable for a mobile app SQLite is file based SQL is server based Every row has a unique ID
System Diagram Finally lets talk about analyzing the data collected which is the whole reason I decided to do this project in the first place
Analyzing Data Total Overhead Gross Profit Clients served Net Profit
System Diagram
Future Work Expanding from SQLite to SQL Multiple users have access to same database More in depth analysis of data Month to month Find cheaper materials Implement electronic billing and receipt system