Jeremy Hewson Computers 8 December 2010
Contents 1. Chihuahua 2. Golden Retriever 3. Siberian Husky 4. Dalmatian 5. German Shepherd 6. Poodle 7. Rott Weiler
Chihuahua 1. were used in sacred first nations rituals 2. historians believe Chihuahua’s originated on island, Malta 3. originated in Mexico 4. weighs about 3 kilograms (fully grown) 5. can be over 19 different colours 6. temper is bad if yours is 7. lives on average years
Chihuahua pictures
Golden Retriever 1. originated in Scotland 2. live on average 11 years 3. were bred to retrieve from water 4. are trusting and gentle = bad guard dog 5. ranked 4 th most popular dog breed 6. most common illness is a hip disorder 7. common types are Canadian, American and British
Golden Retriever Pics
Siberian Husky 1. originated in Siberia, Russia 2. is the most common sled dog 3. Heterochromia is a common trait 4. live on average years 5. VERY intelligent, can open fridges and doors 6. usually 55cm in height 7. husky’s do not bark they howl
Siberian Husky Pictures Husky with heterochromia and a puppy
Dalmatians 1. Nick name, “fire house dog” 2. lives years ON AVERAGE 3. originated in Croatia 4. common health issue include deafness 5. Incredibly loyal 6. gets on well with pets especially horses 7. are BRILLIANT guard dogs
Dalmation Pics
German Shepherd 1. live on average 10 yrs 2. look a lot like a wolf 3. loves learning 4. very obedient and bond well 5. common health issues are hip, elbow dysplasia 6. also common victims to ear infection 7. are popular working dogs
German Shepherds
Poodles 1. were commonly gun dogs 2. most dogs have 2 coats poodles, one 3. common crosses are, goldendoodle and labradoodle 4. poodles can live yrs on average 5. the most common illness is: addisons e 6. fur is curly instead of strait 7. are now popular show dogs
Poodle Pics
Rott Weiler 1. originated in Rottweil, Germany 2. live 9-12 years on average 3. usually has a docked tail 4. has bad reputation, in truth, good dogs 5. have good herding and guarding skills 6. were and still used to herd sheep 7. are also search/rescue and guide dogs
Rott Weiler Pics
Bibliograhpy matian-puppies-cute-dogs.html breed-dog.html
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