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Presentation transcript:


“Authoritative Database that Describes the Location and Condition of the Nation’s Levees, and the Potential Consequence Behind Those Levees” National Levee Database Defined

2007 – “SEC INVENTORY AND INSPECTION OF LEVEES. – (a) LEVEE DATABASE.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall establish and maintain a database with an inventory of the Nation’s levees. (2) CONTENTS.—The database shall include— (A) location information of all Federal levees in the Nation (including global information system information) and, for non-Federal levees, such information on levee location as is provided to the Secretary by State and local governmental agencies; (B) utilizing such information as is available, the general condition of each levee; and (C) an estimate of the number of structures and population at risk and protected by each levee that would be adversely impacted if the levee fails or water levels exceed the height of the levee. Authorities

WRDA, LEVEE SAFETY PRINCIPLES, OBJECTIVES AND NLD The National Levee Database was initially designed between USACE and FEMA Common Theme: – Create a database – Obtain inventory and relevant information on all levees in the United States – Create program to communicate levee information to stakeholders Basic Components of NLD Program – Database – Inventory/Information (inputs) – Inventory/Information Applications (outputs)

NLD Inventory/Information Overview USACE Database FEMA MLI Database FEMA MLI Database Census Tool Web Input Census Tool Web Input NLD Public NLD Web Site Levee Screening OGC Web Services Levee Management Future Integrated Data Bases

Database Components NLD 18 geospatial figures 250 Attributes media 10 non graphic tables

USACE Database FEMA MLI Database FEMA MLI Database Census Tool Web Input Census Tool Web Input NLD Levee Inspection System Federal State Tribe Integrated Data Bases INVENTORY /INFORMATION INTO NLD Levee Inventory Tool

SDSFIE Levee Data Model Features piezometer_point borehole_point sand_boil_point flood_fight_point levee_failure_point cross_section_line encroachment_point floodwall_line levee_centerline leveed_area pump_station_point levee_relief_well_point closure_structure_line levee_crossing_point levee_station_point gravity_drain_line rehabilitation_line toe_drain_line

NLD INVENTORY/INFORMATION Census Tool Current State – Developed as a tool to allow external stakeholders the ability to contribute and manage their levee data to establish a comprehensive levee inventory Target State – Real-time data integration with NLD – Allow users to import levee data from existing data sets (e.g.,.shp, excel, and PGDB files) – Provide auditing and change management capability for user submissions – Standardized review/approval process – Complete comprehensive levee inventory – Target Completion Date August 2011

10 Levee Inventory Tool Tool used by USACE Districts USACE Progress to date: Known miles today = Miles Completed = = 83% Miles under contract = = 16% Waiting contract award = = 2% NLD INVENTORY/INFORMATION USACE

NLD Public View

NLD NLD APPLICATIONS Levee Screening Levee Management Future Relative Risk Tool Emergency Management Emergency Management Water Management OGC Services Industry Standards Common Public NLD Web Site Reports Maps Information Mobile Apps

NLD Applications Public View – Information, Reports, Maps Allows stakeholders ability to view and run various reports, maps and access other information. – Levee within certain state, city, county

NLD Applications OGC Web Services – complies with open standards for geospatial data exchange. Water Management Applications – information useful for water management including levee height, water gages, and real time weather information Levee Screening Process – Tool used to assess relative risk and other important information concerning levees

NLD Applications USACE Kansas City District Emergency Management Kansas City Flood Fight June 2010 NLD Served(s) as the ‘One-Stop’ data source for all federal and non-federal levee information Maps and reports produced using NLD data were exported from the local system (CorpsMap + Sharepoint) to Google Earth  for distribution throughout USACE and to external emergency management agencies such as Missouri SEMA

NLD in Google Earth  Click the Corps Logo for links to all CMT maps and reports Lake status Levee damage points NWK Civil Boundary The map information is exported from CorpsMap to Google Earth just prior to the CMT briefing. Links to all information are included, such as the CMT briefing packet and photos of field conditions. All necessary files are managed on Sharepoint for internal USACE use. In June 2010 FTP was used to provide all information to EMAs, but in the future NWK will use a Sharepoint Extranet.

Dry Creek Rancheria with Leveed Areas Levee Data Source: National Levee Database Tribal Land Source: US Census Bureau 2000 Indian Land Leveed Area

Colusa Indian Community with Leveed Areas Levee Data Source: National Levee Database Tribal Land Source: Data from US Census Bureau 2000 Indian Land Leveed Area

Seminole Lands with Leveed Areas Levee Data Source: National Levee Database Tribal Land Source: Data from US Census Bureau 2000 Indian Land Leveed Area

Moving Forward… NLD Public View Census Tool Steering Committee Leadership/Meeting FEMA MLI Data California Database Information Next steps: – Other Federal Agencies – Coordinate with Tribes – Coordinate with State Agencies

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS Contact Information: Cathi Sanders or Bryan Baker – NLD Project Managers

Some Helpful Feedback Today How concerned are you or the tribes you represent about levees? Are there other organizations or tribes you think might be interested in hearing about the Committee or levees? Any thoughts about emergency management programs we might look to that are good examples of how to involve tribes?

Data fields slide/minimum requirements Leveed Area (Polygon) Leveed Area Name System Name Number of Segments in System Segment Name Authorization Type Sponsor (Name, Type, …) Segment(s) length(s)