Dream a Little big Dream With us! October 2012 AASHE Conference Los Angeles, California
ILLINOIS GREEN ECONOMY NETWORK ILLINOIS GREEN ECONOMY NETWORK What If….. All community college presidents in a state got together And committed to increasing sustainability Then convinced the Governor of the importance of sustainability And received seed money and grants from the state Then prepared a grant proposal to the DOL And received funding to change the way students are taught……
Illinois Green Economy Network is born (2006) and…. IGEN Career Pathways (2011) takes off….. Then….
Green Careers Green Curriculum Green Communities Identify, develop and expand quality green job/career training for students and workers, effectively informed by community and employer partnerships (balance demand/supply) Provide assistance and training to Illinois community college faculty to integrate sustainability and green economy content into most disciplines and in general education programs Serve as regional and sector partners for mobilizing community and employer engagement, fostering community education, and supporting action for environmental sustainability To position the Illinois Community College System as a global leader in transforming education and the economy for a sustainable future. Make sustainability a guiding principle for all institutional practices, promote successful initiatives that reduce energy use and the environmental impact at campuses, and enable colleges to serve as sustainable demonstration sites for teaching and community engagement Green Campuses VISION AND STRATEGIC PROGRAM AREAS
1.Led the nation in sustainability collaboration 2.Developed working groups tasked with moving forward efforts to build a green economy 3.Expanded from 4 to 20 Illinois community college sustainability centers 4. Trained more than 250 faculty members at 15 community colleges 5.Offered 253 workforce training programs attended by more than 7,050 people Top Ten accomplishments
6.Hosted sustainability events and workshops reaching more than 102,610 community members, students, staff, and faculty 7.Offered more than 850 builders and codes officials free, full-day Illinois International Energy Codes Training sessions 8.Trained more than 500 college staff, students, and business members 9.Implemented $1.6 million in electric and gas energy-saving measures 10.Leveraged more than $20 million in federal grants Top Ten accomplishments
Presidents Steering Committee IGEN LEADERSHIP
IGEN’s cooperative approach leverages the power of a sustainability network with the deep community connections of individual colleges and the innovative strength of businesses and industry to: Expand deployment of clean energy technologies Increase employment opportunities Foster community engagement Improve human and environmental health Accelerate market competitiveness DRIVING GREEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN ILLINOIS
IGEN colleges share lessons learned and best practices around sustainability and energy projects through open communication, ongoing cooperation and innovative partnerships NETWORK COLLABORATION
Heartland Community College 10 June MW Wind Turbine – Vestas 8.2
Lake Land College 11 Goals: Entire campus can be taken off grid Grid positive How? Campus diesel Geothermal Currently 4 kW PV Installing 40kW PV One 10 kW turbine Two 100 kW turbines
Lake Land College 12 Existing Curriculum Home automation PV Wind Planned Curriculum Building automation Smart Grid
By the numbers
College Navigator Access to resources so student s get the right start Test prep Career Advising Financial Aid assistance Referral Network Embedded general education to enable accelerated completion Bhag 1 – Reduce time to completion and retention
NTER – Hybrid delivery of courses – 3D capability Cloud Hosted Application – faster response time Intrusive Text Messaging Advising Virtual Career Network Bhag 2 – Leverage Technology to improve outcomes
33/5/193 Outcomes based curriculum design Backward build BHAG 3 – Develop 33 Programs
Partner with employers and organizations to better understand core green skills Use skills identified to contextualize learning Provide feedback mechanism with employers for continual updating of curriculum BHAG 4 – Create Statewide employer advisory board
Elevate the discussion of sustainability education in the state of Illinois Make community colleges the center of the discussion Provide a network Ultimate BHAG
IGEN is a collaborative multi-college sustainability initiative transforming how educational institutions, businesses, government and community organizations partner together to produce new pathways to green careers and drive green economic development IGEN is a collaborative multi-college sustainability initiative transforming how educational institutions, businesses, government and community organizations partner together to produce new pathways to green careers and drive green economic development
Julie Elzanati Heartland Community College Terri Berryman College of Lake County