Why Is Fruit Good For You? 1.Five a day Due to their nutritional and health benefits, it's recommended that fruit form the basis of your diet, with a minimum intake of five portions each day - about a third of your daily food consumption. Currently the UK averages two to three portions a day, so we're falling well short of the benefits they can provide. Fruit should be incorporated into every meal, as well as being the first choice for a snack. Population studies have shown that people who eat a lot of fruit and vegetables may have a lower risk of chronic disease, such as heart disease and some cancers. Health benefits can be gained from fresh, canned (in natural juice), frozen, cooked, juiced or dried versions. Potatoes don't count though, as they're a starchy food.heart diseasecancersstarchy food
Why Do Are vegetables Good For you? Your mother always said, "eat your vegetables" and she was right - maybe in more ways than she knew. While you don't have to go all veggie and become a strict vegetarian, one of the healthiest eating habits you can foster in your family is to make vegetables the centrepiece of your meals and let the other food groups accompany them. For many families this may be a switch of mindset from meat and potatoes to potatoes and meat. The animal food is more of a garnish, adding flavour and nutrition to the medley of vegetables and grains. Stir fry is a good example. (Even better would be a combination of fish and vegetables). If you aren't ready to relegate steak and meatloaf to second place, at least make vegetables equal stars in the meal. With interesting and tasty vegetable dishes on the table (and also a variety of starches), your family will gradually begin eating less meat. 1. Vegetables are nutrient dense. Vegetables pack a lot of nutrition into a minimum of calories. For a measly 35 calories (the amount in one little teaspoon of butter), you can get a half cup of vegetables that contains a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and health-building substances, called phytonutrients - not to mention a lot of flavour. Load up on legumes (the family of beans, peas, and lentils). Second only to soy, legumes are the best plant source of proteins, fibre, and iron, in addition to being high in folic acid.
Why Do We Exercise? No matter what your size or shape, being active: Makes you feel better. Helps you fall asleep and sleep well. Gives you more energy. Helps you think better and faster. Helps you handle stress.stress Makes you healthier. Helps you live longer. Your heart will thank youheart The more active you are, the better your heart works. You're less likely to get many of the diseases that can shorten your life, including: Coronary artery diseaseCoronary artery disease. High blood pressureHigh blood pressure. Type 2 diabetesType 2 diabetes. Some cancers.
If you already have any of these problems, staying active may help you to have better control over them, feel better, and live longer. Your body will thank you Being fit includes keeping your muscles, bones, and joints as active and healthy as possible. Lifting weights-even small ones-is a good way to make your muscles stronger. It also increases bone density, which is especially important for older adults.1Lifting weightsbone density1 Stretching will help you stay flexible and coordinated. As you become more flexible, you will find it easier to reach things on high shelves, to look under a bed, or perhaps to tie your shoes. You will also have a better sense of balance and coordination.Stretching Your bathroom scale will thank you Being more active burns calories. That can help you get to and stay at a healthy weight.healthy weight When you exercise regularly, your body burns more calories even when you're resting. Being active may also lower your percentage of body fat and increase muscle strength and tone.exercisepercentage of body fat
THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!