Politics in Cyberspace 1.Politicians are making greater use of cyberspace to “spread the word.” -Kerry 2004Kerry Dean 2004Dean Bush 2004Bush Gore 2000Gore 2000 Q: Will the Internet replace traditiona l media as the chief source of political campaign ing?
Politics in Cyberspace 2. Voting blocs are using the internet more and more for their political purposes. -MoveOn.orgMoveOn.org -TrueMajority.orgTrueMajority.org -Swift Boat Vets for TruthSwift Boat Vets for Truth -Washington Post RebutsWashington Post Rebuts Q: What other voting blocs have you come across in your surfing/e mail?
Politics in Cyberspace 3. Computerized Elections: Some claim they will create greater accuracy in voting, while others say they are ripe for fraud. -Electronic voting problemsElectronic voting problems -Vote tampering (black box voting)Vote tampering (black box voting) -Stephen HellerStephen Heller -Diebold is not unbiasedDiebold is not unbiased Q: Why is electroni c voting suspect?