Welcome: W3C Web and TV Workshop Philipp Hoschka Philipp Hoschka This project is funded by the European Union through the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ ) under grant agreement n° Mediascape
Today: A Historic Day! It was 25 years ago today
Let’s Make History Today! TV is mass medium So is Web Putting them together will Create new business opportunities Create new ways to produce and access content Make audiovisual content more fun for everyone
Making Good Progress … W3C TV work started in 2010 HTML5 API for Adaptive streaming (Media Source Extensions) Device & network service discovery Encrypted Media/Content Protection/EME Timed text convergence
… But Need to Do More Web increasingly important for TV companies (Broadcasters, Satellite, Cable, …) Hybrid TV Multi-Screen But: TV companies not that involved in W3C Thus: This Workshop
Workshop Focus on TV Companies IRT as Host Focus topics important to TV Companies Hybrid TV Multi-Screen Timed Text … Interaction between W3C and TV SDOs
W3C Leading the Web to its Full Potential Directed by Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee since 1994 Standards: HTML5, XML, SOAP, RDF, VoiceXML,... “One Web”: Desktop, Mobile, TV, Automotive, … Consortium with ~400 members Whole Web ecosystem: Browsers, IT, … Ever expanding: Mobile companies, TV companies, …
Agenda Day 1 Topics HybridTV Multi-screen W3C and SDO alignment Talks: TP Vision, Espial, Samsung, Digital TV Labs, NHK, Fuji Television Network, Intel, Fraunhofer FOKUS, CableLabs, Oriental Cable Network, W3C SDO Panel: DLNA, EBU, HbbTV, IPTVFJ, W3C
Agenda Day 2 Topics Multi-screen Issues with ongoing work (Content protection, Timed Text, Network Discovery) Upcoming topics Talks: Fraunhofer FOKUS, Condat AG, Eurecom, MODUL University, Dong-Eui University, ETRI, TNO, Ericsson, IRT, Telecom ParisTech, Huawei, BBC, LG, Luxunda, University of Almeria Decisions on Next Steps, Future Work
Workshop Goals: Technical What needs to get done? Address Web standards gaps identified in Hybrid TV implementation experiences Web standards for Multi-Screen Metadata specification for video exchange High-resolution clocks and timers for the Web … What is not a good idea? What is missing?
Workshop Goals: Social Where is consensus? Get to know each other Learn from each other
Right Participants Important players present TV companies Technology providers SDOs, … Broad International representation China Europe Japan Korea North America The major players are in this room!
With thanks to IRT for hosting the workshop Our workshop sponsor NBCUniversal Our programme committee members